Category: Stephen King

  • Why Is Stephen King Called A King Of Horror?

    Stephen King is a mystery novelist. ‘Monsters and ghosts are real, they live inside us, and sometimes they win” ( King, 2015). King struggled with alcohol, drug abuse and smoking excessively, but he overcame those hindering barriers. He has a family that helped him every step of the way, but at a young age, tragic…

  • Stephen King’s Biography And His Most Frightening Book Pet Sematary

    Sometimes, dead is better. (King, XV) The novel intersects between both life and death which can be crossed but brings fatal consequences. King presents death in a horrifying matter and implies that if grief is avoided it can be worse. Death must be accepted because if we fail to cope with death then we will…

  • The Themes And Ideas Of Stephen King Works

    Stephen King is a popular horror fiction author. Most of his novels fall into the category of horror fiction. His works are part of the modern era. In Pet Semetary, Stephen King develops the idea of man playing God and the repercussions of defying nature. Stephen King was born on September 21, 1947 in Portland,…