Category: Study

  • Persuasive Essay about Violence in Video Games

    Video gaming is approaching its fortieth birthday as we approach the year 2020. What started as a ball bouncing between two movable bricks has evolved into large open landscapes with endless possibilities. However, there is somewhat of a divide in the modern world between being for and against the implications of video games. While some…

  • Essay about the First Thanksgiving

    What is Thanksgiving to you? When most people think of this beloved holiday, they think of having a huge feast with loved ones who are gathered at the table. Envisioning celebrating love, hope, and happiness during this day. But there were many rebellions, which led us to this point in time. In 1621, the First…

  • Essay on Utilitarianism Traits

    Introduction Utilitarianism stands as a moral framework grounded in the pursuit of the greatest happiness and utility. This essay aims to delve into the various traits and characteristics inherent in Utilitarianism, shedding light on its complexities and nuances. By focusing on key contributors such as Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, we can explore the…

  • Essay on Qualitative Utilitarianism

    Introduction Utilitarianism, as an ethical theory, traditionally focuses on maximizing overall happiness or pleasure. However, within the realm of Utilitarian thought, there exists a variant known as qualitative Utilitarianism, which emphasizes the quality rather than the quantity of happiness. This essay delves into the principles and implications of qualitative Utilitarianism. Understanding Qualitative Utilitarianism Qualitative Utilitarianism…

  • World War 2: Narrative Essay

    World War II was a global conflict that engulfed the world from 1939 to 1945. It was a time of great turmoil and suffering, but it was also a period that showcased the resilience and bravery of countless individuals. In this narrative essay, I will recount a personal story that reflects the impact and experiences…

  • Sanergy Waste Management Company: Reverse Logistics

    Waste Management Company Operations Sanergy Waste Management Company bills over 10,000 corporate and individual customers in the city it is located. The company utilizes various methods to track its waste bins and trucks as they transport and deposit materials at various designated locations. To manage their inventory and keep track of their assets such as…

  • Essay on Teenage Suicide: Analysis of Preventive Measures

    Teenagers are faced with a myriad of problems that range from abusive parents to academic struggles. When they are incapable of dealing with hostile environments and daily hassles, serious problems can arise. One of the problems that can arise is suicide. Teenage suicide is one of the top causes of death, which is astonishing considering…

  • Who Was to Blame for the Sinking of the Titanic: Essay

    The RMS Titanic sank on the 15th of April 1912 in the early morning in the North Atlantic Ocean. That journey started from Southampton to New York City. In history, it was the largest ocean liner service at that time. The Titanic had nearly 2224 people on board when it sank. The Titanic struck an…

  • Causes of Suicidal Tendencies among Youth Essay

    Social Issue Identification Social media is a growing phenomenon and the use of these platforms has become widespread. As popular and convenient as it is to stay in touch with friends and family through the sites, many negative side effects have been discovered. Depression, anxiety, and even suicide have been linked to social media usage.…

  • Essay on Weaknesses of Utilitarianism

    The problem with utilitarianism is that morality depends entirely on calculations of consequences, but we cannot create a simple formula for complex moral decision-making. Gut feelings have no numerical value, furthermore, we simply cant evaluate each action based on the effects it will have. One can never be certain that an action is indeed right…