Category: Texas

  • High Incarceration Rates in Texas

    Texas continues to face a challenge in making progress toward advancing its criminal justice system to the modern standards. Despite the states efforts to decrease expenditures on its prison system, there are almost 150,000 offenders currently being kept in jail (Gottschalk, 2021). There are numerous ways to fix the issue, yet they require a significant…

  • Low Voter Turnout in Texas and Its Causes

    Voter turnout within different states significantly influences the results of the elections. When it comes to voting, such a factor as voter eligibility is considered. Among various provinces, the number of people who can legally vote differs. In Texas, throughout decades, voter turnout has been lower in comparison to the other states. The purpose of…

  • Workers Injury Compensation in Texas

    Table of Contents The Need for the Dispute Process Common Causes of Disputing the Compensation Workers Rights and Responsibilities During Disputes The Root Cause of Disputes Disputes and Claim Management Processes Conclusion References Workers compensation in the case of injuries and diseases resulting from performing work tasks is the principal challenge of a states policies.…

  • Concealed Handguns in Texas Colleges

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Over the last few months, the debate on gun control has increased especially after recent high profile shootings such as the shootings in the University of Texas, the Connecticut school massacre, and Northern Illinois University. Such horrific deeds have raised political, social, moral, and legal debates…

  • Texas v. Johnson (1989): An Evaluation

    Table of Contents Historical Background Including the Issue Argued The Constitutional Question An Analysis of the Decision The Majority Opinion Dissenting and Concurring Opinions Personal Perspective: A Conclusion References After a protest which involved burning the American flag, one of the participants was convicted of a crime by a Texas law that focused on the…

  • Legislative Process in Texas: Styles of Lawmaking

    Table of Contents Introduction Steps for Implementation Influence of the Presidents Delay Tactics Stakeholders References Introduction The decision to pass a new bill is not spontaneous: on the contrary, the approval of a new law is a long and thoroughly examined process. As a rule, officials decision to adopt a new law is made by…

  • Should Casinos Be Legal in Texas?

    Table of Contents Introduction Current Situation Arguments for Legalization Arguments Against Legalization Conclusion References Introduction Casinos are heavily regulated in the United States and Texas, in particular. The state prohibits the opening of such businesses and regularly challenges Native American casinos, which tend to operate at the edge of the law, legally. However, there is…

  • Legislative Issues in Texas: Revolving Door

    The issue known as the revolving door has been a point of controversy in the field of Texas legislature for decades and is also a problematic issue globally. This is a phenomenon when high-level government employees transition to the private sector and major business owners become legislators. From a legal standpoint, this is a perfectly…

  • Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction in Texas: Comparison and Evaluation

    The process of Reconstruction that Texas undergone after the Civil War was excruciatingly hard for the state and its citizens, mostly due to the contradictory forces that were pulling the state apart on social, political, and economic levels. The changes in the relationships between African Americans and white Americans, particularly, the focus on the emancipation…

  • Texas Secession: Major Problems in Texas History

    The Texas secession from the United States in 1861 was not an unforeseen political move as discontent among Texans with the Unions direction had been continuously growing. This decision resulted in joining the group of six other states that left the Union earlier before the inauguration of Lincoln. Then Texas played an important role on…