Category: The Lottery

  • Shirley Jackson The Lottery: Criticizing the Concept of Clinging to Traditions Without Understanding

    Shirley Jacksons short story, The Lottery, starts jovial and seemingly happy, with the population of a village gathering for the titular event. The event is annual, and the name describes it accurately, with it consisting of the drawing of lots by every resident of the town. However, as the process continues and a winner is…

  • The Preservation of Humanism Contrary to Tradition in Story The Lottery

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Residents of the American town gathered for the annual lottery, and as with any other venerable tradition, attitudes toward it vary depending on age. The older men cannot imagine the life of the community without it. Still, the youngers are more skeptical, and they take it…

  • The Meaning of The Lottery by Shirley Jackson

    Shirley Jackson wrote The Lottery as a short story, and it was published on June 26, 1948, in The New Yorker. The first readers of the story were surprised by it because, in the past, works of the magazine were not identified as fiction or as events happening in real life. The story presents a…

  • Dangers of Mob Mentality in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson

    Table of Contents Introduction The Themes and Intent of the Story The Imagery of the Story Language and Structure of the Story Conclusion Work Cited Introduction The short story The Lottery is one of Shirley Jacksons most famous works. Its concept revolves around an annual draw in a small village. Although the lottery is usually…

  • Shirley Jacksons The Lottery Review

    The Lottery, first published in 1948, remains to be one of the most read stories in American literature. The story revolves around a small village in New England where all the members hold a lottery annually and the person picked is murdered. Shirley Jacksons main aim of writing the tale was to present a strong…

  • Condemnation & Violence in Jacksons The Lottery

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Work Cited Introduction The concept of capital punishment is a highly controversial and widely discussed subject. The article discusses the topics of atavism, arbitrary condemnation, and sanctioned violence. The author makes an attempt to argue that capital punishment can be abused in someones interest because the victim will…

  • The Lottery the Short Story by Shirley Jackson

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Shirley Jackson was an American author who was born in 1919. Over the course of her career, she completed more than two hundred short stories, as well as several novels and memoirs. Her literary career began during her education at Syracuse University, where she wrote…

  • The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Review

    Shirley Jackson gained a reputation as a literary witch, which later novels brought the author. However, already in the Lottery, the talent for the anatomically accurate depiction of the human soul was revealed. The author has stories that can excite the readers emotions on the fine line between the real and the fantastic. The tale…

  • The Lottery Analysis: Story by Shirley Jackson

    This paper analyses the short story The Lottery written by Shirley Jackson (1916-1965). Shirley Jackson is one of the most influential American authors of the twentieth century, mostly known for her short stories and novels excitingly describing different supernatural events. The Lottery tells about the annual lottery in a small village, the final result of…

  • Aggression as a Theme in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson

    The story compares commonplace details of current life with a barbaric ceremony known as the lottery. The setting is a small American town where the inhabitants display a commemorative mood as they meet on June 27 for their annual lottery. After an individual from each family draws a small piece of paper, one slip with…