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  • This thesis explores the trends, status of big data in airlines and its implications in aviation investment. The paper highlights areas of interest based on these submissions, which include technologies, used cases, applications, products, suppliers, research and development. Within these areas of interest, the researcher categorises point objectives for the exploration. Objectives of the Thesis…

  • Table of Contents Introduction Overview of Sustainable Aviation Fuel Electricity as a Means of Sustainable Energy Hydrogen as a Sustainable Fuel Biodiesel as a Sustainable Fuel Obstacles for Using SAF Consequences for the Planet Conclusion Reference List Introduction The issue of ecologic fuels has long been standing in every machine-related industry: land, sea, railroad transport,…

  • Table of Contents Proposal Literature Review Methodology Project Management: Gantt Chart Bibliography Proposal At the beginning of the 21st century, information technology and communication become an integral part of the corporation. Information technologies help organizations to manage and control all processes, develop their infrastructure and change. The most rapidly developing topic related to technology in…

  • Introduction to Data Analysis Data analysis is the most significant stage of research since it allows the researcher to understand the collected data. This chapter involves data interpretation through logical and analytical reasoning to determine patterns, relationships, and trends as observed by the researcher. While many tools are available for data analysis, this study adopted…

  • The paper attempts to define and examine privacy as well as undertake a somewhat detailed study of the legal regulations relating to privacy and data protection extant in two of the most advanced economies, the US and the EU. It observes that other countries have taken to remote sensing only relatively recently and their laws…

  • Abstract The proposed project is devoted to the comprehensive analysis of threats that affect the work of the aviation industry. The relevance and topicality of the selected issue come from the strategically important role of civil aviation in modern society and the critical need to create the safe framework by evaluating and assessing all risks…

  • Executive Summary This research paper is a mixed case study of the Open Skies policies of the Emirati airlines. The research engaged ten professionally competent constitutional experts who enriched this study with comprehensive empirical evidence. Using 20 questionnaires in the form qualitative and quantitative structure, the research discovered a lot about the UAEs open skies…

  • Table of Contents Definition of Agile Project Management Aims and Agile Meaning Characteristics of Agile Construction Agile Project Management Style Adaptive Leadership Planning in Agile Project Management Project Network Diagram Agile Construction Management: Integration Agile Project Management Examples Agile Construction Management & Potential Areas Definition of Agile Project Management Agile project management is an incremental…

  • Introduction Intimate partner violence (IPV) is understood as different forms of violence that people employ against their current or former partners in an attempt to control them or punish them for disobedience. Despite all the efforts to prevent and eliminate IPV, the problem remains common in Australia. For instance, in 2016, almost 25% of all…

  • Executive Summary The implementation of aviation drones is one of major goals pursued by the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority. However, the implementation of aviation drones faces a number of challenges which must be solved first. The drone aviation industry is a multi-disciplinary and borrows concepts initially conceptualized for military operations. The challenges blocking the adoption…