Category: United Nations

  • Protection of Vulnerable Communities by United Nations

    Problem Description The sustainable development goals are referred to as a call for action by all nations, whether rich, middle, or poor, to enhance prosperity while protecting the planet. The core purpose of the United Nations is to protect vulnerable communities against hunger, poverty, lack of education, and gender inequality. For example, vulnerable communities are…

  • The US Should Not Pay the UN Membership Dues

    Table of Contents The Argument: The USA and the UN The Argument Representation in Standard Form An Argument Map Diagram An Evaluation of the Whole Argument The Argument: The USA and the UN Some foreign publications have been critical of the United States failure to pay its U.N. membership fees. I believe that the United…

  • The United Nations Scaling Up Zero-Deforestation

    The United Nations (UN) is widely regarded as a vital institution addressing global issues. UNs inception dates back to October 24, 1945, after the conclusion of World War II (Model United Nations, n.d.). The idea for the UN was initially put forth in a joint declaration by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister…

  • United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

    First and foremost, the article describes the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, that includes essential directions of improvement in terms of sustainable development of the planet. It was adopted by all of the United Nations members in September 2015 at Sustainable Development Summit in New York. The proposed incentives focus on upgrading quality…

  • UN Significance in Politics of Minority Peoples Claims

    Generally, it is obvious that wherever an organization is formed, it will experience a certain degree of opposition regarding its intended purpose, and the United Nations (UN) formation was of no exception. Politics are mostly the questioners of the UN activities from the time it was formed and mandated with the task to look into…

  • Issue of Un Relevance and Their Works

    Introduction The UNO was created in 1945 or maintaining peace on the Earth, as its predecessor  the League of Nations failed in accomplishing this task. Pacta sunt servanda is the principle, which is the basis of any statute, treaty or convention, thus, every UN member should observe the rule of avoiding using the force,…

  • United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund

    Table of Contents Children in rich countries United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund (UNICEF) Lack of healthcare for children and proposed solutions Proposed solution Conclusion References Children in rich countries Rich countries are also facing the wrath of poverty, economic development as well as welfare spending. Although the issue has been deemed secondary it might…

  • Internship Report Done at the United Nations

    Introduction Graduate employment opportunities are becoming rare by the day. With the global economic crisis that recently hit almost all sectors globally, the situation is worsening with some firms retrenching their staff. This is because it is not economically viable to maintain them when the firm is making losses. The few opportunities that are coming…

  • UN and the Digital Age

    Introduction: The Digital Age and Its Challenges The recent technological breakthrough that has been witnessed over the past few decades has clearly heralded a new epoch. A range of IT innovations, particularly, those that allow for global communication, has become ubiquitous, altering peoples lives on a variety of levels. However, IT tools also offer a…

  • World Hunger Essay

    Introduction World hunger, a grave, and complex issue, affects millions of people globally, transcending borders and impacting communities in both developing and developed nations. It is characterized by the insufficient availability or accessibility of nutritious food necessary for a healthy life. Rooted in a web of interconnected factors, world hunger is not merely a consequence…