Category: Woman

  • Unequal Rights Of Women In The Workforce

    Inequality or discrimination of women is that state in which women do not get equal opportunities and rights as that of men. Gender inequality describes the unequal distribution of privileges between men and women when it comes to employment opportunity and wealth. However, women are the mostly affected by this issue of unequal treatment. It…

  • How The US And Nazi Germany Mobilized Women During World War Ii

    Many women’s lives changed in various ways during World War II. Women were mobilised in very different manners in the United States and Nazi Germany. The role of women was a contested aspect of the war as perceptions of women’s roles at the time were influenced by ideas and propaganda. In the United States, with…

  • What Is Peculiar About Women In Sports?

    Gender has been a huge divider in society since time can remember. The way men were raised was completely different than how women were raised. Women were raised to be gentle and also how to be a housewife while men were the ones who were brought as being better than woman simply because they were…

  • Female Sports Deserve The Same Recognition As Male Sports

    Hundreds of major league baseball (MLB) games are televised nationally every year with the players being paid an average salary of 1 million dollars. Depending on their skill and how eager an organization wants a player it can go up from there. Did you know that there was a pro softball league? Most likely not,…

  • How Instrumental Sports Challenge Emphasized Femininity

    Introduction It is safe to say that we currently live in a time that fights for gender equality. The norm is no longer the idea that men are superior to women in any way. There are now multiple genders and each one is becoming more widely accepted throughout our world. These are key things that…

  • Should Women Be Allowed To Compete Against Men?

    Women and men have never been allowed to compete against one another at a higher level. They have always been separated into two divisions of competition. Women and men’s basketball, women and men’s tennis, baseball and softball, and women and mens gymnastics to name a few organized sports that are divided by gender. Why has…

  • Work-Life Balance Of Working Women: An Overview

    Abstract Work- Life balance refers to the competency and successful management of multiple roles both at work and family and also refers to employees balance and contently fulfilled their formal task and accomplished household task to prove their efficiency at both ends. It is a state of well defined well being. Women getting into job…

  • A Study On Work Life Balance Of Working Women With Special Reference To Kumbakonam

    ABSTRACT This study is to analyze how women balance their life between the work life and personal life and their satisfactory level in their work. The work life balance is poles apart for each of the women because of different priorities and different lives. To analyze their effectiveness of balancing work and life a well…

  • Women In Post-war Europe Workforce

    During World War II, the working women of Britain experienced a significant increase in their freedoms and independence, as they assumed the occupations left vacant by the men at war. When the war came to an end there was a dramatic return to domesticity within the family unit. The societal expectations put on postwar women…

  • The Difference Between Male And Female Sports In Asia

    Female sports are not respected as much as male sports. Female athletes do not have the same rights as male athletes. There are males coaching female teams but few females coaching male teams in Asia. Female sports are not taken as seriously as male sports in Asia, and in some countries such as; Iran and…