Category: Workplace Diversity

  • Diversity Issues in Secondary Education Workplace

    Introduction Diversity in the workplace is one of the issues that leadership of an institution should understand and effectively manage. The United States is one of the most diversified nations in the world, a fact that can be attributed to several decades of immigration (Hughes, 2019). As the American society become increasingly diversified, it is…

  • Religious Diversity in the Workplace: The Case for Alternative Dispute Resolution

    Table of Contents Key Points Summary Personal Evaluation References Key Points Based on the topic and results of the study in question, one can highlight several key points. Firstly, as Rouméas (2020) states, religious diversity is the issue that arises in the workplace due to the distinctive cultural backgrounds of colleagues, and its emergence can…

  • Workplace Diversity, Inclusion and Obstacles to It

    Table of Contents Diversity and Inclusion Reflection Diversity and Inclusion Action Obstacles Reflection Obstacles Action Work Environment References Diversity and Inclusion Reflection My reaction to the word diversity is grounded on events happening in the world  I immediately think that diversity is necessary, but still, there are problems with achieving it. I am sure…

  • Media Workplace Diversity: An Argument in Favor

    Successful organizations that emphasize having a diverse work environment can prove that people learn to unite their differences to make the close-neat team. In mixed groups, people still retain their values and mutual respect as unique variables, even if they are brought from different backgrounds or functions of the organization. This paper will present arguments…

  • Diversity in the Workplace: Bridging the Gap

    Diversity management is an important aspect in organizational culture. The present study attempts to identify the relation between diversity and the management perception and satisfaction in the organization. The study used a mixed method approach to measure the satisfaction of the top management of a major Korean company, and indicate the methods that respondents deemed…

  • Workplace Diversity and Inclusion

    Diversity is a topic that has received increased attention in recent years. The impact of equal employment opportunity programs on the nations workforce is undeniable. In the workplace, the diversity advantages have been studied and extensively documented. However, practice shows that there are still problems with diversity in the workplace in some organizations. Many leaders…

  • Assessing Diversity in the Workplace

    Globalization processes determine the need to assess diversity in the workplace. Ferdman and Sajivs (2012) research indicates that science continues to seek additional opportunities to use variety in human potential management processes. In heterogeneous teams, creativity and productivity increase as decisions are made based on peoples opinions from different backgrounds (Ferdman and Sajiv, 2012). From…

  • AT&T Companys Diversity at Workplace

    Abstract Workplace diversity is a fundamental feature that may either accelerate or impede the growth of a business entity. In the case of AT&T Company, workplace diversity is being exercised, especially at the point of recruitment. The following is an in-depth interview with a senior HR manager from AT&T. Interview What is the name of…

  • Managing Diversity in the Workplace

    What are the glass ceiling, glass walls, and the glass escalator and what are their effects on those who are constrained by them? Usually, a glass ceiling is a form of limitation to prevent the upscale of a person to higher positions, based on unfair and discriminatory grounds such as sex or race. The glass…

  • Workplace Diversity Input to Business Improvement

    Introduction Diversity in an organization is a required condition for efficient development within the industry, referring to global trends. Nowadays, diversity in the workplace is defined as respect for peoples differences, focusing on their age, gender, race, culture, or religion, among other characteristics. In this context, the inclusion can be viewed as an actual practice…