Christianity, Its Values And Beliefs

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Christianity is currently the world most followed religion in the world. The religion has about 2.3 billion followers worldwide1 or about 31.2% of the population1 and teaches the teachings of Jesus Christ. Throughout the world, many people choose to follow Christianity as a way to worship God and in return, they are able to attain salvation and have a figure to look up to and believe in. Throughout time Christianity can prove its adherents and the society they are a part of with a system and a set of laws that they can follow and trust. Christianity can provide its believers with a sense of purpose and help contribute to their lives by giving them support for when they need it most as well as provide them with a set of goals and ideas to believe in. Christianity at its core help people when they are in need of assistance and provides the support they would need in order to move on in their life.

Christianity is the belief in God, whereas Jesus Crist is a religious leader for Christianity. By being a Christian, a believer is able to have a personal connection with Jesus, Jesus will act like a person who will also ways be with them in every moment. Through the bibles teachings, it tells the believers that being a Christian allows them to have a deep connection with Jesuses, regardless of when and where. In Isaiah teachings it tells god is always with us this can be shown when he speaks of God in the verse ‘Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.’ (Isaiah, 41:10)3. This verse from the bible expresses his ideas on how god will always be there to help a person, even in that persons darkest times. The Bible tells its believers Jesus look after its people, Christianity also teaches believers that there are holy spirits that will be a companion in their lives to help guild them along their lifes journey. The Bible teaches us holy spirits are sent from heaven and guild us to the correct path throughout our lives, as well as this the bible also teaches us that holy spirits are there for us to help us when a person is in need and when a person is weak, just like Jesus would in a person toughest moment. Through the teachings, a verse in the bible tells us Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. (Romans 8:26)3. Through gaining help from God, this teaching from Christianity is able to provide its adheres with hope and affection. Through holy spirits and Jesus, Christianity teaches its believers there will be someone able to support believers when they are in need of assistance, regardless of where they are, and the teaching tells us God is always beside its believers ready to help. Through Christianity, the belief of god being beside its followers helps contribute to a persons hope and self-esteem and additionally gives them a sense of hope in their time of need.

Christianity as a religion provides its adherers with purpose, but it also provides them with redemption. In the Bible, the sin is a wrongdoing or act of transgression act against God and is seen as a terrible deed that a person must live with. Often it is seen that cursing and murder are seen as a sin however the religion Christianity would be able to take this guilt of committing a sin away from people, so they are able to live their lives without guilt and move on. By being believers of God, many people are able to see how their actions affect their surroundings and they are able to gain remorse from their actions. As it is taught in the Bible, Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. (Luke 6:37, NIV)2,3, this tells us that anyone can be forgiven, and god will be able to give the sinner redemption for the sin they have committed as long as the person owns up to their sins and understand the consequence of the sin they have caused. This idea of forgiveness is a dominant theme in the bible, the bible tells us it that sinning isnt good however if a person understands the consequences and choose to forgive, then all will be forgiven. Through the Bible’s teaching, it has given many people a set of beliefs that they can believe in and help them understand themselves and what they need to do in order to become a happier and remorseful citizen. This act of belief in Christianity provides adheres with a path of perfection and helps them in becoming more like Jesus, which gives believers with a sense of purpose and hope.

Through Christianity, it provides believers with peace and rest. Through Christianity the bible teaches us god will bring peace to the world, adheres of god get the benefits of peace and prosperity, as it tells us in the bible And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28.)3. Through god teaching many adherents are able to gain peace and a life without worry, this teaching of God gives it believers peace of mind that God will keep its believers at our absolute best no matter where we are or what state we are in. Through god, Christianity will provide its believers with experience and joy throughout their life. Believing in Christianity allows adherers to become free and have peace of mind that God is watching over them and making sure they are at their best. Christianity also provides an absolute eternity with Jesus, after death it is taught in Christianity that there will be eternal life after death. This eternal life after death is called heaven and it is presented a utopia for many people, as stated in the bible They shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any heat; for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to living fountains of waters. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. (Revelation 7:16-17)3. Heaven is a promise given from God as a way to provide its adherers with hope and a bright future to look forward into. Through Christianity, it teaches us that God would give everything we could possibly want or need and how freedom will continue to exist into eternity. Through Christianity it provides its adherents with hope and prosperity as well as a future to look upon in the future, creating a sense of comfort and relief for many believers.

Overall Christianity is able to provide a vast amount of support and a set of belief for many of its adherents. Through providing services like communication directly to help from Jesus or the twelve apostles at any time or even gain redemptions for a sin, many believers are able to achieve a sense of purpose and hope within their lives. Through providing a future after death and providing a sense of relief Christianity can give many people enough support to move on or continue joyfully in their lives. Thus, creating a religion where its admirers are able to gain from the teaching of God to use throughout their lives.


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