Critical Thinking Essay on Public Speaking Project

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On the first day of our class, you asked each student to tell their name, previous experience, and one interesting fact about them. I liked the concept of knowing each other because a guy like me needs some time to interact with people or to start a conversation. But now, once I know something about my classmates I can start talking easily or I can interact well. Also, it makes me comfortable to speak in front of the whole class without any nervousness especially while giving a presentation or participating in a group discussion. When you know your audience or the audience is someone you know, it would be easier for the person to express his or her ideas without any stage fear and make a good public speaker. There are many benefits of being a good public speaker effective public speaking skills can help with career advancement, as they indicate creativity, critical thinking skills, leadership abilities, and professionalism, qualities which are very valuable for the job market. Also helps us stand out at work. We would learn to speak up in meetings, to promote your ideas, and to present yourself as a professional. Public speaking can increasingly boost our confidence. Overcoming the fears and insecurities that accompany public speaking is empowering. Another benefit of public speaking is that when you speak at an event, you will suddenly find that everyone wants to talk with you. This is a valuable opportunity for making friends, building business contacts, and generating business. Communication skills are important for personal and professional success and improving this area is one of the greatest benefits. Public speaking is an excellent way to build critical thinking skills.

One more interesting aspect I liked on the day of the Introduction is, memorizing the names of all students in the class. It was really interesting to observe my classmates trying to recollect the names of the previous students who spoke. It was funny when you started asking the students sitting in the front row to tell the names of the students who spoke after them. Everyone thought that it be easy for the students sitting in the front row, but it turned out to be the other way around. I was the last person sitting in the last chair and I thought I should be memorizing, and I should say the names of all the 50 students, and I was a bit nervous even though I remembered most of the names and when my turn came you had asked to say last ten names and it gave me relief. But to be honest, this made the class very interesting and this practice of not only memorizing names but anything helps the brain to be active and it is essential especially for children as it helps them to learn new concepts. A study says that children with poor working memories dont get enough information in their minds at one time to make sense of what is coming in. Students who complete exercises aimed at building short-term memory have seen improvement in their working memory and capacity to learn.

Case studies and discussion sessions are another favorite part of this semester. I liked the way you assigned us into groups and each group was given a case study on which they had to write a short report of two fifty words, and they had to debate with the opposite on an assigned day. I also liked the way you asked questions to the rest of the students in between the debates so as to know their thoughts and to keep the class more interactive. I enjoyed the sessions and also at the same time I got to know so many things related to real case scenarios like how the management took steps to handle the crisis or developed their current system so as to withstand the competition and to exist in the future. Out of the nine case studies I liked Carnival Cruise, SAP implementation, and Sysco case studies. Going through the Carnival case study I learnt how important it is to implement customer relationship management and it does not matter how big is the company. Even though Carvinal Cruize has been a well-established company since 1972 they saw CRM as a platform that brings both customer and management together the carnivals management could know what customers are thinking about their services and recognize repetitive customers so that they could learn about their experience with Carnival and provide much better services to improve their product. Carnival believes when there is no accurate data it is pointless to have a CRM application. So, they have started implementing CRM with a smaller group of businesses where interaction with customers is decent.

Another case study that made me more involved in SAP implementation. We had to debate on Big Bang or Phase implementation. We choose Phase implementation because there are more chances of risk if the company goes with the Big Bang method. The big bang method is to implement the software at once and implementation of such software without any backup has a high potential risk factor of getting blacked out if the installed software does not work properly or if there is any small error, they have to start troubleshooting from being. If they go with Phase implementation, then the risk factor is low compared to the Big Bang method. In phase implementation, the software is installed in batches and if there is any error, they could still go back to the same position from where they have started. During the implementation phase, the project selected the big-bang approach and the best time to go live. The project team also set up change management and communication management with users and patients. We believe that besides providing special training sessions, VLF could let the employee practice in an actual system for a period and offer some practice tests of operating the new applications and system before fully going live to help users adopt the new system smoothly.

Design thinking is one of my favorite classes this semester. I liked the different stages you have mentioned like empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test involved in the design process journey. During our class, I liked the activity of designing a gift-giving experience where we all had to team up as two members and learn about the interests of the other person on how he or she wants to gift to their loved ones or what they would like to gift their loved ones by interviewing them for four minutes and other team member follows the same procedure. Now, we again have to do a second interview by including empathy and digging deeper and this session is for three minutes. This second interview should focus on the emotional standards of the teammate. After getting all the information we have to focus on the goals and wishes of the person like what my partner is trying to achieve by gift-giving. Secondly, we have to go through the insights like learning about my partners feelings and motivations like what I could see about my partners experience that he or she could not figure out. Once I come up with a conclusion, I have to take a stand with a point of view and generate five sketches showing how my partner could gift to her or his loved ones. Basically, here we are creating a new level of gift-giving experience by following the six-step procedure and coming up with an innovative result. I came up with five ways of gift-giving experience and my partner liked three of them and she thought of following them if she ever wanted to gift someone.

When I was doing this activity, I felt like I was being creative and innovative which I missed for a long time. We all used to be creative and innovative when we were kids and as the years pass by, we start being less creative because of different reasons like being afraid of failure, being a points-based education system, and so on. There are many advantages of design thinking, it isnt just creativity and innovation its specifically directed at creating value and solving problems. But instead of going about either of these in the traditional ways, design thinking seeks to use design principles to solve problems, from small to large, in almost any industry. The philosophy of design, test, and iterate is central to the process. It allows us to have those completely unexpected breakthroughs by creating several rapid prototypes and encouraging fast feedback from actual users and customers before spending too much time, effort, or money on any one idea. One huge benefit of design thinking is that it is focused on the end-user. Whether its about developing a new technology or a new project management process, defining wholl be using the business solution is key to understanding exactly how to develop it. This is helpful in plenty of other business contexts.

Now, I would like to share about my fourth favorite topic. There are still other topics I liked but as I am allowed to share four, I chose IT Infrastructure. As you have discussed how organizations are facing problems of having disintegrated systems and some ways to encounter the issue by using integrated systems, I feel it is very important to have continuous communication between modules of a system. We all know that integrated systems are costly, time-consuming, and so on. I liked the approaches used to tackle the integration challenges using the systems interface method, global database method, middleware method, and enterprise approach. In this system interface, we change the user interface instead of changing the whole software because modifying the whole software is time-consuming and requires a lot of training to the end users. We have to modify the interface such that it should be able to interpret data from other systems. In the Global database approach, we have a single database to which multiple systems are connected and each system can communicate with one another using this global database. Implementing a global database is time-consuming, expensive, and very complex because almost every module of a system needs to be modified. Also, if the database fails all systems go down with the database and it leads to a blackout situation which would be a huge loss to the company. In the Middleware approach, we put a new software that connects two systems instead of modifying each system which is time time-consuming procedure. When a company is moving into new technology, it is always better to add new software instead of modifying the existing one because the old systems might be complex if we want to modify existing old systems, we have to start with a database till servers which is expensive and time-consuming.

When an organization is moving into integration systems, they have to rethink of business procedures such that the change should not affect their overall business structure and that is when enterprise resource planning comes into the picture. On the same day also discussed backup servers which I felt was very interesting as I came to know how companies invest time and money in establishing a building or a place especially for holding their backup servers. No matter it is a small business or a large organization, data is important as that is the core of information for making future strategies, providing better services to clients, and measuring challenges and progress of business. Data related to an organization needs to be protected for the growth of a business and it should not be considered as a next task. A number of factors cause loss of information, like hardware failure, power outage, data corruption, human errors, disasters, and criminal activities like hacking, theft, malicious activities, etc. So companies invest a lot of money and time in having these backup servers.

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