Digital Video Evolution and Its Implementation in Australia

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In the 21st century, the technological environment is under influence of high degree of robustness (Barry, Atul & Arun 1). This has had a great impact on various sectors of the economy. Amongst the technological sectors that have undergone revolution with a high magnitude, is the information communication technology (ICT). The digital revolution has resulted into a shift from analog era to a digital era, for example, from analog television to digital television. The difference between analog and digital era is in relation to the mode of transfer of information. With regard to analog system, the information transmission is in form of cathode rays while in a digital system; information, this transmission is in form of bits.

According to Garry et al, the emergence of digital era has resulted into a displacement of video recording using cassette tapes and the vinyl records (1). Barry et al asserts that, the digital era has also had an impact on the production of video. This is due to the development of the digital video technologies such as the digital video satellites and the digital video discs (1). These technologies are new in the market and are available in a number of countries. The discussion of this paper seeks to illustrate the implementation of digital video technology in Australia.

Digital video production

Three main phases are involved in the production of digital video. These include the pre-production, production and the postproduction (Barry et al 32).

In the preproduction phase, intensive planning is the core element. This involves establishing a working plan on how the production will take place. Digital video production involves teamwork, which encompass a number of individuals. These include the producer, director, the production team, researcher, sound operator, camera operator. These individuals have got specific role related to production of the digital video just like a body with several parts each with a specific function. Analyses of the main themes occur in the planning phase. The themes are then broken down into more fine details. Shots classification follows according to the quantity of details such as the pictures. A group of seasoned editors then edits the video to eliminate any defects. This enables the video to be of high quality.

High Definition Television (HDTV)

HDTV is one of the most recent technological changes to find its way into Australia Television Broadcasting Industry. This is in line with the need to satisfy the countries future needs in relation to broadcasting in Australia. Population growth is on the increase and as a result, customer needs increase proportionally. Implementation of HDTV system in Australia will enable the broadcasting industry to meet the future needs effectively (High definition television (HDTV): a global strategic report 2).

This is due to the fact that that the new HDTV systems have two main characteristics. These include high resolution and a wide screen that will enable the pictures to be having a high resolution and are more clear (Barry et al 307). On the other hand, through the HDTV system, transmission of a wide range of information will use a single bandwidth. According to Cupit, the implementation of High Definition Television in Australia began in January 2001 (1).

Impediments of HDTV in World Market

There are a number of impediments in relation to HDTV in the world market calling for immediate implementation of nouveau measures competitive enough to satiate market needs. These include the following

Need for High Promotional Investment

Currently only a small percent of the society have adopted the HDTV technology. For full integration of HDTV technology in the market, massive promotion is required boost the image of the technology within the society people. This means that the producing firms will incur huge costs in marketing the HDTV but the cost is for a worth course. Investing heavily on marketing is the route that promises high returns in future. This should fall under the long-term strategies of these firms if they are to maximize on returns and minimize on expenditure in future.

Increase in Signal Piracy

HDTV systems operate based on signals transfer. The high definition signals enable the transmission of pictures and sound to be efficient. Currently there has been an increase in the rate of various types of piracy in the world with the revolution in technology. In relation to HDTV, there is a challenge in relation to piracy of the signals. This means that the firm may end up into huge financial losses because of piracy. Laying down sophisticated ant piracy systems would muzzle piracy. Policy formulation and enactment of the same giving stiffer penalties to the perpetrators of this vice would also reduce piracy.

Need for New Equipments

On the other hand, most of the people including the broadcasters would be required to purchase new equipments that would support the HDTV technology. For instance, the broadcasting firms will be required to put up new towers to enhance their broadcasting by transmitting signals to longer distances. On the other hand, the broadcasting firms will be required to change the whole system in relation to their control rooms so that it can be compatible with the HDTV technology (Steve 3). With regard to the individual consumers, the new equipments needed include the antenna, or satellites to enable them receive the HD signal. Considering the fact that the technology is new in the market, these equipments are currently expensive (HDTV issues Para. 3).

Bandwidth Limitation

Conventionally, bandwidth allocation comes in six mega hertz for every channel. This is not enough for the transmission of HD pictures. This is because the HD requires a bandwidth ranging from 18 to 20 mega hertz. This has reduced the market for the HDTV amongst the broadcasting firms (HDTV issues para.3). Increasing the current bandwidth three times would solve this problem.

Australian HDTV System

The Australian HDTV system consist of a number of components these include the following,

Progressive Scan System

This technology enables the ease in storing images of moving objects. It also scans video-based materials so that they can be stored in the digital form, such as the DVD. Progressive scan enables the production of high resolution in the pictures thus improved quality.

Video Compression System

The system also consists of a video compression system. This enables makes it possible to reduce the volume of data in the production of digital video. This enables the reduction in the size of the bandwidth thus increasing the rate of transmission of the video to the television. Satellite technology enhances video compression facilitating transfer of large information simultaneously. Data compression also improves the video quality thus meeting customer needs. This gives competitive advantage and helps firms to remain afloat in the competitive markets.

How HDTV Could be Made more Interactive

Integrating HDTV system with Digital Video Broadcasting (DVBT) will make this current system more interactive and improve service delivery. DVBT function under channel coding algorithms with integrated satellite. Its modulation is orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). This modulation functions to improve on the production of digital video. This is because the DVBT modulation increases the resolution of the video by increasing the number of lines that would be interlaced to produce the video (Recommendation Australias high definition television Para. 2)


In the current digital era, the production of video has become more effective. This is due to the availability of new technologies that support the production of digital video. The television industry has also experienced a revolution. This is due to emergence of the HDTV technology that enables the pictures to be of high resolution improving their quality on wide screens. Despite the effectiveness of this technology, there are various impediments in relation to the market for HDTV. These include increased risk of piracy in relation to the signals, bandwidth limitation and the need for new equipments.

The Australian HDTV system consists of two main formats. These include progressive scan and the video compression system. Video compression enables the storage of large volume of data to be stored and increases the amount of transmitted data giving firms in this industry an upper hand in competition. On the other hand, progression scan makes it possible to store data of moving objects with a high resolution. To improve the interactivity of HDTV, the Australian government should integrate HDTV with the DVBT system modulation. This would meet the ever-increasing market needs propelled by increasing population and improved living standards, which increase purchasing power of consumers.

Works cited

Barry, G., Atul, Hassel, & Netvali, Arun. Digital video: an introduction to MPEG- 2. New Delhi: Springer publishers, 2007. Web.

Barrow, Steve. HDTV: Past, present and future. Audioholics . 2003. Web.

Cupit, G. Implementation of digital television in Australia. Broadcastpaper. 2005. Web.

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Digital Electronic market research and knowledge network. High definition television (HDTV): a global strategic report, 2008. Web.

Facts. Recommendation for Australians high definition television. Media Release. 1998. Web.

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