Essay on Airport Security Debate

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Airport security began as a simple walk through a metal detector to halt any terrorist with weapons or bombs. As time progressed, hijackers and terrorists have become more innovative and sneaky with their ways to bring weapons on a plane that a simple metal detector will not detect. 9/11 has changed airport security drastically. Now, a simple walk through a metal detector has turned into a tedious and time-consuming process before boarding a flight. The effects of 9/11 are responsible for the creation of the Transportation Security Administration also known as TSA and many other airport security rules. With the new rules created to protect passengers, people are required to give up certain rights while traveling in an airplane for the security and safety of airplane passengers. Although one may think that these rules are pointless and time-consuming, these rules are greatly needed in airports and allow for safe flights. 9/11 enforced a whole new level of check policies and restrictions for the safety of airplane passengers. These safety restrictions compel passengers to give up certain constitutional rights without their consent.

Most people know not to yell fire in a crowded movie theatre because it could cause panic and danger. Just like this one example, the right of free speech can be restricted during flight. Yelling bomb during a flight can actually be much worse than yelling fire in a crowded movie theatre. Believe it or not, airlines have a certain dress code also, that airplane passengers must submit to. According to the first amendment, people are allowed to wear what they want based on their right to free expression. An airline can make a passenger leave if the airline members think the shirt is offensive to the rest of the crew and passengers. Wearing a shirt with profanity and cursing, a woman aboard an airplane coming home to Washington D.C. was asked to leave because her shirt was offensive. There are many cases just like this where passengers are forced to leave planes based on what they are wearing. This policy has grown to become a big issue of whether airlines are legally allowed to force people to leave their flights because their clothing is causing discomfort or offense toward other passengers. Airlines also do not allow passengers to board the plane without shoes. If a flight attendant tells someone to put on their shoes and the passenger does not obey, the passenger is asked to leave the flight. Although these rules and policies may sound pointless and irrelevant, these are rules enforced by airlines. I agree with limiting free speech in this instance. Because falsely yelling bomb in an airplane could cause serious danger, I believe that free speech should be restricted in that instance for the safety of others. Although I may not agree or think that a shirt with profanity is acceptable, I do not think that a shirt with profanity should be restricted because it does not harm the public.

In some instances, the Fourth Amendment can be ignored when boarding an airplane. The Fourth Amendment protects U.S. citizens against unwanted searches and seizures in their homes, properties, and any other personal possessions. The Fourth Amendment states:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. (LII Staff)

The main role of the Fourth Amendment is to protect the citizens privacy. In order to board a plane, passengers have always been required to give up their possessions to be searched before boarding. The terrorist attack of 9/11 has caused an increase in security. The Homeland Security Act created as a result of the 9/11 attacks designed numerous amount security measures and policies such as TSA. TSA has grown to become one of the most tedious parts of boarding an airplane. This is due to the extensive measures TSA takes to ensure passengers a safe flight. TSA can search all bags, suitcases, and any other possessions without ones consent when airport security deems someone as a reasonable threat. To make sure all searches are reasonable, airport security weighs the threat on a few aspects. They weigh the threat on the magnitude of the threat and the search procedure. Along with searching for possessions, passengers also argue that being scanned and patted down is an invasion of their privacy and should not be done by airport security. The pat-down procedure is a method used by airport security that allows the security officer to physically use their hands to search ones body. Although some may say that a pat-down search without consent is wrong and a violation of the Fourth Amendment, a pat-down search is legally justified based on the passengers’ behavior. Airport security has found many items of contraband using the pat-down search which proves this method is an effective procedure even though it may violate ones privacy.

As for unwanted seizures, TSA can seize anything they deem as a threat. Airport security can dispose of water bottles, shampoo bottles, and snacks. When passengers are searched unexpectedly by airport security, they often turn to the Fourth Amendment and try to avoid the search. Most of these passengers are people who were smuggling illegal items. These victims tried to suppress the truth of what they were carrying by declaring a violation of their right to the Fourth Amendment. I definitely think that the fourth amendment can be temporarily violated while at an airport. Airport security should be allowed to search all suitcases and possessions to check for threats and weapons that a terrorist might be brought onto a plane. Violating this amendment has caused flights to become safer and more secure.

As crazy as it sounds, airlines limit what kinds of pets are allowed to travel with and what kinds are prohibited. American Airlines and Delta Airlines, two well-known American airlines, forbid short-nosed dogs on their flights. Because short-nosed dogs experience trouble breathing, airlines forbid animals like these. Breathing would even worsen when the dog flies to a higher elevation. There have been over one hundred deaths according to the Agricultural Department of the United States. Also, some airlines will not transport pets as checked luggage. This restriction is due to several instances where a cat was found frozen to death in a planes cargo hold. Although airlines allow service animals to board a flight with its owner, some animals have been restricted. American Airlines restricts several emotional support animals, such as beaver, to prevent people from sneaking animals on airplanes. These several restrictions have caused airlines, like Pet Airways, to emerge. Pet Airways specializes in traveling with animals on airplanes. I agree with restricting certain animals on flights. Being high above sea level. can cause breathing issues in some animals which can lead to death. Passengers can either fly with their dogs if it meets the airlines’ requirements, or they have to find a private flight that will allow pets to travel with them.

An airline can force a person to exit their flight based on whether they have good hygiene or not. The American people have a right to shower or not and are not forced by the government to take care of themselves. It does not happen often, but some airlines can force people off the flight because the person smells bad. If someone were to complain about another passengers body odor, they could potentially get that passenger kicked off the flight. If enough passengers complain that ones body odor is making them uncomfortable, an airline can force that person to leave the flight. I do not think whether you have a body odor or not should determine if someone is allowed to stay on an airplane. Smelling bad may cause discomfort to other passengers, but it does not require one to be denied entry to his or her flight.

Although some of these rules created by airport security may sound pointless, they are there for one reason: to protect passengers. Airport security has evolved throughout time to create the security passengers know today. Airports and airplanes are attractive places for hijackers and bombs because of the number of people present. Without airport security, there would be a rebirth of hijackings and other methods of using aircraft as weapons. There were many attempts of hijacking prior to 9/11, but 9/11 served as a wake-up call to airport security. This infamous event strengthens airport security. With all the searches and screenings people have to go through in order to get on a plane, it is nearly impossible for a terrorist to board a plane nowadays. Terrorists took advantage of the weak security system, but now, they are not able because of the effective security precautions. Before one complaints about waiting in line to be screened for security, they should remember the real reason the airports use security and the effects security has on air travel.

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