Informal Meetings and Socialization of Employees

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Informal meetings and employee socialization are essential due to adjusting the relationship among working-class people from different organizations. The nature of interactions depends on the individuals ethnographic identity, hence establishing key variables that boost diversity and inclusion. Intermingling among the workers outside the institutions significantly contributes to the intensification of the bond that translates to effective teamwork within the organization (Chong et al., 2021). The study will take place in a Chinese restaurant well-known for catering to various professionals from distinct organizations. The primary purpose encompasses understanding the dynamism among people, personalities, and the attractive critical element of workers to the restaurant.

Brief Summary of Methodology

The studys methodology encompasses an observatory practice with a strategic interview with respondents. The professionals mainly visit restaurants for informal meetings on working days (Agarwal et al., 2020). My plan entails collecting data during the two days and conducting interviews with two participants to affirm the attained details. Coordination among the workers in dynamic firms fosters sharing experiences and ideologies; hence, the Chinese restaurant is a benchmarking mainframe. Individuals interact and exchange values concerning careers and the opportunities for advancement and imminent growth. Formality renders the informal associations due to the human nature to establish rapports and diversify the knowledge and acquaintance level concerning socio-cultural frameworks influencing individualism.

Clear Statements of the Themes

Ethnography is a vital topic of study because it provides insights into cultural variation. Human beings are composite creatures and embody the distinct value of interdependence on the environment. One of the thematic constructs enshrines studying peoples culture under the spectral view of ecological sustenance to promote sustainability (Akemu & Abdelnour, 2020). The observatory approach for the study is an ethical overview regarding the purpose of socialization among professionals. According to the data collected, the participants enjoy the meals in the Chinese restaurant while gaining social value among their peers.

On the other hand, cultural ideas and norms considerably impact human conduct and interaction. The present culture concerning socialization in the Chinese restaurant reflects organizational team building. According to the data collected, the individuals highly value intensifying social capital by networking over the meals offered in the Chinese restaurant. In this case, the workers learn the significance of teamwork and further translate it to the respective companies emerges as a profound commonality within the cross-sectional study. Primarily, non-material customs foster character development and career growth among the participants. It is enriching to consider off-duty interaction among employees in a public domain as a foundation to boosting self-awareness.

Supporting Information from Observation and Stated Commonalities

Shared Interests

After observing the employees socialization at Great Walls Chinese restaurant, I noticed distinct outcomes. A different element that fosters efficiency in the relationship-building involves shared interest regarding the engagements. Human beings are social and focus on elevating the cultural capital based on understanding individualism and the diversity scale. I recorded distinct outcomes after the activity within one week.

During an interview with some of the customers in the restaurant, I identified critical structures contributing to the phenomenal engagement. According to the observation, a significant percentage of the employees arrived in groups, usually in the evenings. Although most were males, it was observed that males and females were divided into several sections. Therefore, men mainly engaged in chats with their counterparts and were akin to the females. However, there was a core distinction regarding the categorization of groups. The participants agreed that the restaurants purchasing value was acceptable because it allowed individuals to benchmark against professionals from other organizations. In addition, the individuals built stronger relationships with their coworkers outside of the workplace, which helped them work together more effectively while they were on duty.

Multispecies Ethnography

Multispecies ethnography is a multidimensional phenomenon that significantly affects the living quotient between people (Akemu & Abdelnour, 2020). Human behavior depends on the environment and the optimal use of the moral code. The poor implementation of virtual acts risks the necessity of the interdependent relationship between an employees growth and the surrounding (Akemu & Abdelnour, 2020). It is crucial to illustrate the frameworks contributing to social advancement and cohesion. Multispecies ethnography demonstrates the relevance of decentralizing individual life under many spectral perspectives to communicate the importance of sustainability and ideological interpretation to the nature of the encounter.

Coordination amid employees is essential to an organizations success, mainly due to influencing customer relationship-building. According to Agarwal et al. (2020), clients align their loyalties and make purchasing decisions depending on the consistency of the service they receive. Customers can find out about products quickly because of their available technology. This prompts businesses to look for new ways to be more competitive. Human resources significantly contribute to an organizations performance, thus intensifying hiring and recruitment for optimal talent management. Notably, workers socialization outside the work environment is profoundly influenced by compatibility in perspectives and prioritization of the ideological relational capital.

Influence of Hiring and Recruitment

Hiring and recruitment are prominently challenged by biased tendencies mainly due to the wise approaches. The management must implement steps to enhance worker coordination based on talent capital and team-building interests. The practice renders a broader scope of recruits based on diversified skills, knowledge, and experience. The variation of the personality qualities fosters the alleviation of bias based on comparing the traits with the employed counterparts and the talents (Taylor, 2021). It is essential to enhance the attribution of diversity in recruiting new employees for an organization.

The core advantage of inclusive hiring is providing an essential focus on talent acquisition and management among personnel. Research indicates that broadening the qualities of hiring candidates offers the employer an opportunity to diversify talents as an inclusive strategy (Taylor, 2021). It is an initiative that boosts its reputation due to the optimal reflection of an effective inclusivity strategy. Taylor (2021) articulates that in 2020, at least 67,448 employees reported bias at the workplace, which led to the incurrence of $439.2 million due to the lawsuits. Therefore, the critical indicator of developing a functional organizational culture is the determination of inclusive approaches during the hiring and recruitment process to avoid selecting talent and expertise.

The dynamic aspects of hiring that make it more inclusive include flaring the job advertisement platforms, online job opportunities, and a standard interview process and panel that are good for the best candidates. The training of workers is a crucial approach among employers due to the trickle-down effect to advanced productivity and performance. One of the strategies within the employees representation training is using inclusive language. In a diverse working environment, a significant percentage of staff seeks equality and recognition for better performance (Martinez-Acosta & Favero, 2018). As a result, human resource management must implement such approaches as cultural events that ensure the recognition and participation of employees from different backgrounds. The events and practices foster the appreciation of diversity while promoting inclusivity among the workers despite the disparity in talents and ideological philosophies. An inclusive training program for the workers encourages employees to contribute to the implementation plan to alleviate bias in a diverse spectrum. Training employee representation involves establishing perspectives that optimize outcomes and assessment of results through feedback and the organizations competitive advantages.

Influence of Leadership

Employees performance in an organization mainly relies on the nature of governance system. Dobusch (2021) articulates that the retention of workers in a company depends on the acquired value based on knowledge, skills, and experience. Therefore, it is crucial to implement policies that enhance inclusivity of the laborers to enhance the interdependence and learning process during the duty hours. A dysfunctional organizational culture risks establishment of an unhealthy working environment. In this case, Jeffries (2018) postulates that the core solution entails adjusting leadership to an intersection of transactional-transformational domain. As a result, a manager fosters development of a team-work spectrum within the firm while ensuring adept participation of all entities in the operations. However, it is vital for the executive to portray distinct charismatic values that enhance coordination among the counterparts. The necessary ethical and moral virtues include accountability and emotional intelligence to elevate the output levels in production scale.

There is an interdependent relationship between leadership, employees performance, and organizational culture. The interplay of the variables renders emergence of strategic managerial approach. Agarwal et al. (2020) stipulates that the incorporation of distinctive cultural practices, mainly teamwork fosters prominent networking among the workers and exchange of distinct values acquired through experience. It is the responsibility of the administrative department to ensure apt inclusivity of all stakeholders in production process to boost the competitive advantage and customer satisfaction. The approach trickles-down to the rise in the attendance of professionals for informal meetings based on the purchasing value attained from a particular setting. Therefore, it is vital to establish functional policies that benefit all entities as a formative aspect of elevating the association with disinctive market players.

Different factors influence the performance of an organization in an environment that includes external and internal entities. External relationship building is essential because it enhances the optimal customer service experience. It is a perspective that improves consistency in assessing worthiness despite price variations. Therefore, an organizations external relationship as an inclusive entity involves promoting the participation of suppliers, government, and relevant stakeholders. The strategy renders the intensification of a pool of ideas regarding the advancement of productivity and service quality among workers through teamwork (Chong et al., 2021). One of the main initiatives to intersect is effective communication that fosters professionalism and ethical considerations during practice.

Inclusion in an organization is essential because it shows how well strategic management is implemented. Different aspects pose opportunities for advocating for inclusiveness. These entities include organizational leadership, external relationship, training employee representation, and hiring and recruitment. The lack of measures supporting teamwork risks a hindrance in the optimal exchange of values. Equal opportunity is a philosophy that promotes diversity and the advancement of talent management practices within an organization to increase productivity and competitive advantage. It is crucial to observe an efficient methodology to establish adept assessment outcomes (Kirner & Mills, 2019). Developing a competitive advantage for a company encompasses integrating consumer behavior and the inherent inclusive practices to enhance interaction between workers and clients for an advanced customer service experience.

Discrimination based on ethnic identity is a problem that renders the unequal distribution of resources, leading to the groups marginalization. However, introducing guidelines regarding the engagements and interaction among the personnel enhances participation in the growth and development and trickle-down effect of the benefits (Jansson, 2018). The action plan that involves alleviating the matter requires the establishment of interdependence between the interests of the public domain and the ideal approaches. Therefore, the procedure entails defining the problem, identifying the available community-based resources, and determining the core factors promoting equity across the domain. It is the responsibility of the managerials team to establish initiatives that enhance inclusivity among the workers. The lack of an objective platform advocating for the balance hinders optimal exchange of values among the counterpats that further reflects through the productivity index. As a result, it is crucial to indicate the interdependent variants in an organization as an aspect of enhancing competitive advantages. Subjective consideration of potential among employees risks biasness and poses a barrier to the essence of growth among the laborers despite their social identity.

Summary of Culture Present in The Scenario

It was noticed that most participants stood while mingling and only sat while eating. It was unusual to find a set of people of the same ethnicity. On the other hand, professionals prefer to drink in small groups of various ethnic backgrounds. In this scenario, the teams shared a typical quality in that they included men and women from multiple ethnic backgrounds and age groups. The socialization was casual because the idea of sharing information between different businesses and experts made it informal. After an interview with a few members, I discovered that at least 89% of the customers come in to socialize and order a beverage. The primary purpose of the routine is to unwind after a long day of work. Apart from the socialization, the employees considered the Chinese restaurant an essential meeting point after working hours. It was evident that after sharing the evening memories, each person left the restaurant alone and usually in the early evening hours. A significant percentage of the individuals argued that it was essential to arrive home early to prepare for the next working day. However, it was different on Fridays since the majority spent the entire night getting drunk and left in the early Saturday morning hours. Despite the diversity, the counterparts demonstrated passion in developing an optimal social-based capital. The organizations engagements significantly contribute to self-awareness and networking for adequate growth and development.


In conclusion, socialization outside the work environment significantly contributes to personal growth. The interaction between the employees in a Chinese restaurant is attributed to cultural diversity and understanding of balancing professionalism and individualism. During the data collection process, most professionals frequented the Chinese restaurant to network and have a good time with their colleagues. In this case, the employees optimally appreciate the platform to intensify the social capital away from the organizations and the ideological expertise-based courtesies. It is the responsibility of executive teams to establish initiatives that enhance talent management. However, the core challenge entails the determination of influential associations boosting performance and productivity among the workers.


Agarwal, S., Ramadani, V., Gerguri-Rashiti, S., Agrawal, V., & Dixit, J. K. (2020). Inclusivity of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial attitude among young community: Evidence from India. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy,14(2), 2-9. Web.

Akemu, O., & Abdelnour, S. (2020). Confronting the digital: Doing ethnography in modern organizational settings. Organizational Research Methods, 23(2), 296-321. Web.

Chong, J. X., Beenen, G., Gagné, M., & Dunlop, P. D. (2021). Satisfying newcomers needs: The role of socialization tactics and supervisor autonomy support. Journal of Business and Psychology, 36(2), 315-331. Web.

Dobusch, L. (2021). The inclusivity of inclusion approaches: A relational perspective on inclusion and exclusion in organizations. Gender, Work & Organization, 28(1), 379-396. Web.

Jansson, B. S. (2018). Becoming an effective policy advocate: From policy practice to social justice. (8th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning Series.

Jeffries, R. (Ed.). (2018). Diversity, equity, and inclusivity in contemporary higher education. IGI Global.

Kirner, K., & Mills, J. (2019). Introduction to Ethnographic Research. Sage Publishing. Web.

Martinez-Acosta, V. G., & Favero, C. B. (2018). A discussion of diversity and inclusivity at the institutional level: The need for a strategic plan. Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience education, 16(3), A252. Web.

Taylor, T. (2021). 12 inclusive hiring practices you should implement. AIHR. Web.

Appendix A

Open Questions for Semi-Structured Interviews

  • How often do you visit the restaurant?
  • Do you visit the restaurant mainly on weekends or weekdays?
  • Do you generally come in groups?
  • When you spend time together after work hours, do you usually converse with colleagues of the same gender?
  • What can you tell me about the corporate culture in your company? Do you feel relaxed, or is there tension in social interaction?
  • What is the goal of informal meetings after work hours? Do you want to understand your colleagues better or simply relax after the workday?

Appendix B

Summary of Field Notes

How often do you visit the restaurant?

At least 96% of the respondents agreed that they visit the restaurant three times a week, after working hours. The common days of the visit encompassed Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Do you visit the restaurant mainly on weekends or weekdays?

All of the respondents agree that it is a tradition to visit the Chinese restaurant during weekdays due to the significance of the informal meetings with colleagues. It is rare to visit on Saturdays and Sundays since they are resting days.

Do you generally come in groups?

85% of the male respondents come in groups to the restaurants while all females visit in teams due to the essence of security. Males move in groups for entertainment purposes but women prioritize their safety.

When you spend time together after work hours, do you usually converse with colleagues of the same gender?

At least 78% of the male respondents converse with colleagues from the same gender while 81% of the females mainly interact with men. The socialization is profoundly attributed by the shared interests to seek entertainment dynamic from the busy working day. However, females seek a deeper connection with their colleagues than entertainment contrary to the intentions by men.

What can you tell me about the corporate culture in your company? Do you feel relaxed, or is there tension in social interaction?

At least 83% of the respondents agreed that there is a functional and sustainable corporate culture due to the essence of utilizing teamwork notion during the operations. In this case, they seek further connection with other professionals in the Chinese restaurants for entertainment. However, 17% of the participants established that the tension in their respective organizations was a reflection of a dysfunctional culture that is performance-oriented. As a result, the counterparts visit the Chinese restaurant to relieve stress and intensify social capital while inquiring for opportunities from colleagues in different firms.

What is the goal of informal meetings after work hours? Do you want to understand your colleagues better or simply relax after the workday?

All male respondents agree that the goal for informal meetings after work hours is to simply relax with minimal intent for deeper connections than the females seeking for both entertainment and relationship statuses.

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