It’s Time to Say No to GMOs: Argumentative Essay

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Introduction to GMO Controversies

Unlabeled. Unassuming. Untested (‘Genetically Modified Foods’). Whats the truth about genetically modified organisms (GMOs)? Genetically engineered foods have affected the economic and agricultural landscape for the worst. A process which refers to the unnatural transferring of foreign genetic material (DNA) from one organism to another has many concerns. If continued, the future withholds crippling ecosystems, rising superbugs, and declining human health. The truth of these Frankenfoods will soon be exposed to the public. Little do Americans know, nearly 75% of all foods sold in supermarkets have been genetically modified in a lab (Hillstrom, 52). Scientists, since the late 1900s, have developed ways to improve the growth and overall product of crops grown in the United States. To name a few, scientists have accomplished faster growth, herbicide-resistance, and an extended shelf life for crops. While these may seem like positive changes, it is only the tip of the iceberg. In reality, scientists are now uncovering the true horrors of GMO foods. Could this knowledge of genetic engineering result in unintended consequences? Genetically modified (GM) foods will do more harm than good if these advancements continue in the future.

Ecological Impacts of GMOs

So, why are GMOs so harmful? First and foremost, scientists fear genetic engineering will have a catastrophic effect on Earths natural ecosystems. Genetic engineering has reached territory that should not be tampered with. By introducing GMOs, scientists are already beginning to see its repercussions. Pollution, cross-contamination, toxicity, and loss of biodiversity have conservationists most concerned. Toxicity, in particular, is a major issue concerning the ecosystem. Scientists have been modifying crops in various ways intended for chemical production or resistance. Some scientists have injected GM crops with chemical resistant genes, while others even engineered their crops to produce chemicals of their own. These chemicals, known as Bt toxins, are the strongest and possibly most lethal toxins found in nature. No matter how these plants are modified, these advancements have yet to solve, if not create, environmental issues. For example, the Monarch butterfly is just one victim of pesticide-resistant crops. In fact, the Monarchs population has decreased ninety percent over the past twenty years. Unfortunately, Monarch butterflies are on the verge of extinction for this reason (Hillstrom, 57). Supporters of genetic engineering, though, claim that the Bt toxin is improving the environment by reducing pesticides. If this were true, why has the herbicide and pesticide usage skyrocketed over recent years? A study published by the Environmental Sciences of Europe discovered that between 1996 and 2011, herbicide usage had increased by 527 million pounds in the United States (Another Strike Against GMOs). The use of pesticides is also estimated to have increased by over 404 million pounds. Unfortunately, scientists still continue these developments, causing harm to Earths natural ecosystem and other areas of concern.

Questioning the Solution to Global Hunger

Supporters of GM foods have long emphasized that this technology could help reduce rates of hunger, malnutrition, and disease in poor countries around the world (Hillstrom, 62). Although according to Nature News, Africas traditional crop breeding has resulted in significantly higher yields than their GMO counterparts. The idea that GMOs will feed the world ignores the fact that hunger is the result of poverty (GMOs Won’t Help the World’s Hungry). In fact, farmers can only afford one-tenth of the recommended fertilizers needed for their crops (GMOs Won’t Help the World’s Hungry). No wonder innocent people die every day from malnutrition and hunger. Third world countries actually suffer from economic struggles, not agriculture. In reality, transgenic food research is mostly concerned with improving cash crops such as cotton, corn, and soy in the United States. Why do crops even need to be improved? There are only 7 billion people in the world, and yet there is enough food to feed 14 billion people (GMOs Won’t Help the World’s Hungry). Nearly one-third of the nations food supply is wasted, while only a small percentage is actually consumed. In fact, the majority of food is used for livestock and other uses. Simply put, GMOs are not the cure for the suffering in third world countries.

Adaptation Challenges: Superweeds and Superbugs

Moreover, other difficulties have arisen regarding adapting organisms. What will scientists do next if organisms continue adapting to genetic modifications? Currently, plants have already begun adapting through the process of cross-pollination. Cross-pollination is the transfer of genetically modified genes to nearby plants (Genetically Modified Foods). Pesticide resistant plants, in particular, have begun to pass their genes to weeds and other unwanted plants. As a result, additional amounts of weed killers are applied to control these superweeds. Supporters of GMOs claim herbicide usage has decreased with these developments, although statistics prove otherwise. According to the Global Citizens Report on the State of GMOs, common weeds have developed an herbicide resistance in over twenty-two states, affecting 15 million acres of soy, corn, and cotton (Gale Opposing Viewpoints, Genetically Modified Foods). For this reason, an increased use of the herbicide Glyphosate has created record-breaking pollution levels. If adapting superweeds arent damaging enough, superbugs are also becoming a threat. The corn rootworm, in particular, has developed a resistance to the Bt toxin along with the pink bollworm which is also affecting crops in India more than ever before. These and other mutating organisms are just the beginning of genetic engineering’s continuous regrets. What scientists thought would mitigate pests, actually created something much worse.

Health Concerns and Ethical Implications

Furthermore, another concern toward transgenic foods is its effect on human health. Over the years, a significant amount of GMOs have been modified using genes from viruses and bacteria. By doing this, these antibiotic-resistant genes have the potential to transfer to bacteria in the consumers digestive system. If this happens, modern-day antibiotic drugs will no longer have an effect. Other health risks also pose a threat. In fact, independent studies have warned consumers of its long-term side effects including; disease, infertility, allergies, and nutritional complications. Supporters of GMOs dismiss this evidence, claiming GM foods are safe to eat. While there may be little evidence of short-term effects, the long-term effects are clearly evident. If GM foods were truly safe, why were biotech companies recently found guilty of hiding the toxic effects on their products? What else could biotech companies be hiding? Unfortunately, the FDA isnt improving the situation either, enforcing only minimal regulations regarding GMOs. In fact, the FDA dont even require GMO labeling or safety tests on the products prior to sale. The FDA only views safety studies completed by the biotech companies themselves. Who’s to say these companies could be secretly hiding the truth about GMOs.

Finally, altering the genetic material of organisms is simply immoral. According to Michael Rodemeyer, an expert in biotechnology, The debate over this technology has largely centered on the science issues, but there is clearly an ethical side that is shaping American hearts and minds too (Hillstrom, 66). Religious or not, the growing knowledge of genetic engineering is inevitable. The true question, though, is what will be done with it. Unfortunately, genetic engineering has gone too far. Not only is the nations food supply dependent on GMOs, but now genetic modifications are being used on humans too. Many refer to these as Designer Babies as they become more and more common. This allows parents to choose specific qualities for their unborn child. Supporters claim genetic modifications make it possible to remove unwanted diseases the unborn child may succumb to. While this is true, scientists also have the ability to improve athleticism, intelligence, and even appearance. This unethical idea of genetically engineering foods, as well as humans, has exceeded the scientific limits of nature.

Conclusion: A Call for Awareness and Action

In conclusion, genetic engineering has resulted in more harm than good. What many thought was a positive advancement, turned out to be much worse. There is no excuse for the harm GMOs have caused on Earths natural ecosystems, organisms, human health, and more. What good has genetic engineering done? It only resulted in an increased use of harmful pesticides. It only resulted in the creation of mutated organisms. It only resulted in declining health and widespread disease. Would you consider this an accomplishment? Its time for the people to take action and make a difference. Scientists should not be tampering with the fragile balance of nature. If nature took millions of years to build a structure with natural boundaries, it must be there for a purpose. Genetic modifications could have easily been avoided, although yet the conflict is real. Even though it may seem impossible to ban GMOs now, awareness is the first step. The FDA should be required to label all genetically modified foods, as well as, have stricter safety tests to insure the health of Americans. Everyone has the right to know whether the food they consume is genetically modified or not. Until then, Americans should do everything in their power to avoid GMOs. As an individual, the consumption of USDA certified organic foods is a safe alternative. FDA regulations state that any food labeled organic cannot contain any GM materials (Hillstrom, 56). Go organic and help America move one step closer in the fight against GMOs. Are you going to do what’s right and join the fight against GMOs, or watch as our nation cripples because of it? The choice is clear, its time for Americans to say no to GMOs!

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