Personal Narrative Essay on School Practice

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Dreams are fascinating. When you sleep, you come up with a scenario in your head. It is almost like a movie. You can have a nightmare, like a scary movie. You can also have funny dreams, romantic dreams, or sad dreams. Do dreams come true? Some people do believe that if the dream is realistic enough, it can come true. What if your dream was unrealistic and it still came true? That would be pretty strange, right? Well, that is exactly what happened to me, Amanda Crawford. Im just your average 15-year-old high school girl. I get good grades and love sports. I have played almost every sport. I am the captain of my schools volleyball team. I am an only child, but my best friend, Jordyn, is like a sister to me. I live in Toronto, Canada. I have lived in Canada all my life.

Amanda, hurry up! yelled Mom. We are leaving in ten minutes, and you still havent eaten breakfast.

I was still upstairs and trying to find my volleyball clothes for after-school practice. I have a game next Wednesday, and it will determine if we are going to make it to nationals. Luckily, at that moment I found them in the mess I call my room.

Coming Mom! I responded.

I ran downstairs as quickly as I could skipping the last two steps.

Good morning Mom! I remarked.

Good morning, Amanda, Mom responded. Remember, you have volleyball practice and Jordyns mom is taking you to the sleepover. Do you have your pajamas?

Yes, I have my pajamas and everything I need for the sleepover. I also have my volleyball clothes. I answered my mom.

Alright, get in the car, Mom announced. Ill meet you there.

Okay! I replied, already in the garage.

Once I got in the car, I texted Jordyn, my best friend since second grade, that I was on my way to school.

When my mom got in the car, she asked me the same thing shed been asking me all morning.

Ready to go? Mom asked again.

Yes, Mom, I have everything, I responded.

When we got to school, I said bye to my mom and then headed to the bench at the bottom of the stairs. Luckily, Jordyn was not running too late. She got there before the first bell.

Hi, Jordyn! I yelled when I saw her get out of her car.

Amanda! Hi! Jordyn responded as she ran and hugged me.

Immediately after we came out of our hug, the first bell rang. We both walked to our first period, English.

Alright class, exclaimed Mrs. Robinson, Settle down, and open the book to lesson four. We are going to talk about Shakespeare.

English went by fast. We talked about Romeo and Juliet, and it was quite fascinating. After English, Jordyn and I had to separate ways because I had two free periods and she had Geometry and World History. Usually for my first free period, I do any extra homework that I need to get done. Luckily, last night I finished it all, so I do not have anything to do for the free periods. At my school, we have restrooms that have beds in them. They are for sick kids and kids who are tired and have free periods. I went to the restroom and found an empty bed. I texted my mom that I had two free periods, so I was going to take a nap. I also texted Jordyn to tell her where I would be in my next two periods. After I finished telling Jordyn where we should meet up for the fourth period, I fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up, I only saw darkness. I thought to myself that there was a power outage, or someone turned off the lights. Then I realized that the more I walked around the more darkness there was. I called out and shouted for help, but no one answered. As I was starting to panic, a single white light turned on next to me. I walked to it and realized that it was a floating ball of light. I did not know what it was, but I touched it and light consumed the world around me. It was super bright, so I closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes again, I was in a room. It was not like the restroom that I fell asleep in. It was a white room, with white walls, white furniture, and a white bed. I went to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked.

Hello! I yelled as loud as I could. Can anyone hear me?

No response. I suddenly felt extremely tired. I sat down on the bed and did not even mean to fall asleep, but I did. I woke up again in a different room. It had every color possible in it. I got off the bed and walked to the door. This time, it was unlocked. I walked outside of the room into a hallway. I walked to the stairs and went down into a kitchen area. I saw my parents talking to me.

Amanda, Mom spoke calmly, We have been meaning to tell you something for a long time now. Your father and I have superpowers.

I was stunned for a few seconds, then I started to burst out laughing.

Now, Amanda, Dad responded calmly, We know it sounds far-fetched, but your mom is right. Your mom can move objects with her mind, and I have super strength. You have super strength, like me.

What? I responded in a state of shock.

What? I thought.

At that moment, the picture in front of me fell apart, and I felt myself spinning into darkness. I woke up with a jolt. I was in the restroom. It was light outside and the bell rang for the fourth period. I got up and grabbed my bag to walk to the fourth period. I met with Jordyn outside of Spanish class.

Whats wrong, Amanda? Jordyn asked worriedly. You look as if youve seen a ghost.

I had a weird dream, I responded nervously. My parents were telling me that I have superpowers and thats why I am good at sports.

What? Jordyn remarked. That is weird. Humans dont have superpowers. Maybe they watched too many superhero movies.

Youre right, I answered. They probably did.

Come along students, ushered Mrs. Gonzales. Class is about to start.

Throughout the rest of the school day, I wondered if my dream meant something. While I was getting ready for volleyball practice, I tried to open my locker, but it would not open.

We have to go, Jordyn said as she walked over to me.

Okay, I responded. Dont wait for me. Ill be right there.

As all the girls left, I was still struggling with my locker. I kept trying the code, but it would not work. I finally just pulled it as hard as I could. I pulled it so hard that the door of it broke off the locker. I was standing there dumbfounded for a few seconds until I heard my coachs whistle. I shoved the door into my locker and ran out to practice.

After practice, I grabbed my stuff and ran outside to wait for Jordyn. As I was about to text her, Jordyn walked out of the locker room.

Jordyn! We need to talk! I exclaimed as she walked towards me.

Okay, she answered, Whats up?

I think my dream was true, I replied.

What? Jordyn stated. You think the dream you had about having superpowers is true? Are you okay, Amanda? Do I need to get you to the hospital?

No, Amanda responded. I am totally fine. Here watch this.

I grabbed my metal water bottle and crushed it.

Wow, Amanda, Jordyn answered. That is amazing. I mean I didnt think you would actually be able to do it. Wow! I cant believe you just crushed a metal water bottle.

Jordyn! This is not good. Amanda yelled. Dont you understand? The only reason I am good at sports is because of my powers. I always believed that I was naturally talented. I was proud of myself, but now I never want to do sports again.

Amanda, Jordyn responded. You are phenomenal at sports. Your powers have nothing to do with sports. Before today, you didnt even know you had powers. You are good at sports because you are talented. Superpowers have nothing to do with your athletic abilities.

Your right, Jordyn I agreed. I shouldnt bring myself down over this. No one in the world has what I have.

Except your parents, Jordyn responded.

What? I asked.

Your parents have superpowers. Remember your dream. Jordyn answered.

I completely forgot! I need to see them. I replied.

Okay, Jordyn declared. You should talk to them. My feelings are not hurt that you are skipping the sleepover tonight.

I wouldnt miss it for the world, Jordyn, I responded. I just need to talk to them. I will make it to your sleepover.

Okay! Text me what happens. Jordyn answered as I started walking home.

Okay! I will see you at the sleepover. I replied.

When I arrived home that night, I talked to my mom and dad. They were a little surprised that I knew about my powers, but they taught me how to use them. They told me the history of superpowers and how I am different because girls usually dont have super strength. After we talked about my superpowers and how to control them, my mom drove me to Jordyns sleepover. On the drive there, I was scared that I would accidentally use my powers, and people would find out and think I was weird. When I arrived at Jordyns house, I realized that I dont care what people say about me and my abilities. I have something really special and I should be happy about it, not scared of what people think. I have embraced my weirdness, and you should too.

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