Political Sciences. Inside Job Documentary

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The movie Inside Job can be acclaimed among the most successful documentary films released in 2010. And this is no wonder as the film features an interesting and thought-provoking layout with reliable information and good quality of its accomplishment. In general, this film is a story about the economical crisis of the late 2000s with its very painful details and the grievous outcomes for the world economy along with the economy of the United States. Overall, the film can be evaluated as a great piece of reliable information featuring a row of true historical details and incredible actor play; in addition, it encourages to really think about the main developments in Europe and in the world happening in the late 2000s and leaving their significant trace in human history with its considerable aftersounds reaching even to our modern days.

The context of the film

First of all, speaking about the historical context of the film under consideration, it should be stated that the events described in it have their reflection in real historical developments. The main idea of the film is based on the account of the severe economic crisis which struck the world at the end of the 2000s. The data in the film is presented thoroughly, carefully, and veraciously enabling the audience to have a deep understanding of what actually accrued during those days, and led to the saddest events which continue to have their terrible impact on the world economy and the lives of common people around the world (Scott par.15). According to Merin (par.3),

Inside Job presents a comprehensive analysis of the global financial crisis of 2008, which at a cost of over $20 trillion, caused millions of people to lose their jobs and homes in the worst recession since the Great Depression, and nearly resulted in a global financial collapse.

This comment shows how terrible were the outcomes of this dreadful economical phenomenon for millions of common people in the world along with hundreds of the world economies.

The historical period and historical figures incorporated into the film

Next, with regards to the historical period along with historical figures incorporated into the film, it should be stated that it features a row of substantial historical facts along with numerous important personalities playing their essential role in the political life of Australia, the United States, Canada, and Europe. In particular, there are many addresses to the real developments in the world before the fall of financial markets in 2008, the way the American system of credit provision added to the problem, and how American military expenses played their significant role in destructing the balance in the world economy in general.

According to Merin (par.5), the film focuses on specific events and presents the entire cast of characters  public servants, government officials, financial service company, bank executives and academics  involved in creating the crisis. It is evident that there can be hardly found a person on the Earth to never feel the grievous consequences of this terrible historical and economical phenomenon at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Among the most prominent characters of this movie are the representatives of top management of the most outstanding financial institutions in the world including Lehman Brothers and Chase, Goldman Sachs, and AIG.

There are also specialists in the area of the economy with high academic degrees such as the professors from Harvard, Yale, and Stanford; the most prominent among the publicly elected officials and politicians such as American Presidents Barak Obama, Bill Clinton, and George Bush, their political opponents including Bob Bernanke and Alan Greenspan; the specialists from the world economical institutions responsible for cooperation with the US economical institutions as the main joint point in the world economy and many more.

In addition, the most frequently addressed in the film category is the category of common people, workers whose families had to suffer when the others were stealing financial riches on an, especially large scale. The following words by Merin (par.8) present a clear picture of what was actually happening during those days,

The executives, their political and academic cronies made billions, while their clients lost life savings, jobs, and homes, and the general public  in the US and worldwide  have been subjected to a critical disparity in the distribution of wealth.

Further, discussing the films plot, it should be said that it is centered around the events related to the outburst of the crisis and its development. According to Inside Job (par.17),

Through exhaustive research and extensive interviews with key financial insiders, politicians, journalists, and academics, the film traces the rise of a rogue industry that has corrupted politics, regulation, and academia. It was made on location in the United States, Iceland, England, France, Singapore, and China.

Critical reflections

This comment shows how deep and how detailed is the research serves as a basis for the creation of this film.

Reflecting on the events revealed in the film, it appears that its historical accuracy can be described as a considerable one and, thus, the film is a reliable evaluation of the major financial process in the world developing at the beginning of the 2000s. Particularly, all the major reasons for the crisis along with the sad mistakes of the government of the United States, the weak points in the American crediting system, the American blowing off military campaigns which are held during decades without any pauses, and so on are addressed in this thought-provoking and gripping film.

The film significantly expands the audiences awareness of the events of the past along with rather recent developments in the world encouraging them to sharpen their knowledge about the events of those days in order to understand current events as they are related to the past. The film impresses greatly and appears to be very engaging; it is mainly explained by the team of professionals busy in it; especially, the directors cut and the variety of significant political and economical figures present in the film. With regards to its historical value, my comments are the most positive ones as there are no doubts concerning its veracity, accuracy, realness, and cogency.


Concluding on all the information related above, it should be stated that the film Inside Job can be mentioned among the most successful documentary films of 2010. The film can be evaluated as a great piece of reliable information featuring a row of true historical details; more than that, it encourages to really think about the main developments in Europe and in the world happening at the end of 2000s and leaving their significant trace in human history with its considerable effects reaching even to our modern days. All in all, the film can be evaluated as a really thought-provoking and reliable account of the events leading to the world economical crisis and the actual after-effects of this terrible economical phenomenon of the late 2000s.

Works Cited

Inside Job n. d. Web.

Merin, Jenifer. Inside Job  Movie Review  2010. Private Gains at Public Loss. n. d. Web.

Scott, Arnold. Who Maimed the Economy, and How. 2010. Web.

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