Religion in Schools: Is There a Place for It? Pros and Cons

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Why should religion be taught in schools? If youre writing an argumentative or persuasive essay on pros and cons of religion in schools, this sample is for you.


The discussion of religious studies in schools is a subject that has elicited contention in academic circles. Scholars are divided on whether or not religious studies should be taught in schools. The subject matter has also brought out controversy among curriculum developers. The main issue of contention revolves around establishing the boundary between religion and state.

Religious studies are critical in raising morally upright citizens in a nation. Although it is possible to reject the move to offer religious studies in schools based on the claim that parents should instill morals in their children at home, it is crucial to realize that many contemporary parents are usually busy to the extent that getting time to share moral stories with their kids is almost impossible. Hence, with this foundation, the paper argues that there is a place for religious studies in schools today and that the benefits of studying religion outweigh the demerits.

Why Should Religion Be Taught in Schools?

The main argument in favor of teaching religion in schools is that it helps to instill good morals in people. It also promotes faith as religious freedom and helps explain complicated life issues not addressed by other disciplines.

Religious Studies help to Raise Morally Decent Citizens

According to Cochran (2014), the study of religion should be encouraged from the entry-level since it assists in character molding. It is important to note that religious studies instill good morals in people. Examples of these morals include honesty, faithfulness, hard work, respect, and dignity.

All religious studies promote these virtues, including Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. Religion also helps to prevent vices among young people in society today. The witnessed violence among young people may be attributed to a lack of religious teachings. Video games contribute to aggressive behavior in kids of age between 9 and 12 years (Ellithorpe et al., 2015).

Religion discourages vices such as early pregnancies among young people, most of whom are in school. As part of their work, tutors of religious studies discourage drug and substance abuse among learners, thus encouraging them to be productive citizens in a country. Since religion prohibits sexual relationships before marriage, it plays an essential role in eradicating sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV and AIDS, among others.

Furthermore, religious studies teachers address the issue of the sanctity of family and the need to promote faithfulness in marriage. Hence, as future parents, students who lack such understanding from school may fail to know the aspects that must be imparted to their kids.

According to Cochran (2014), religious studies help to develop learners character, values, and beliefs. Hence, failing to offer lessons that instill these concepts in school may result in a violent and undisciplined generation lacking meaningful focus.

According to Cheadle and Schwadel (2012), religion helps to promote ethics among learners. Such ethical elements help to nurture students to become all-rounded citizens. The religious principles in a school setting form the basis of professional work ethics in many organizations today. It also promotes good interpersonal relationships by making people appreciate diversity and/or create the need for peaceful co-existence.

These attributes can only be acquired through the study of religion in schools, where they are instilled from the formative stages of growth and development (Cheadle & Schwadel, 2012). It is also important to note that many careers today have their foundation in religion. Religion comes in handy in the career development of disciplines such as law, medicine, philosophy, psychology, and counseling, among others.

These disciplines have their foundation established on the morals and ethics of religion as presented in the various schooling levels. Moreover, people majoring in religious studies can grow to become professionals in various areas, such as teachers, counselors, and religious leaders.

They can also run religious organizations and ministries, facilitate proper international relations, and/or work in the media and non-governmental organizations. Governmental organizations such as public schools, the police force, and the military typically have a chaplain.

Such a role can only be developed after studying religion and developing an interest in the career. According to Jeynes (2012), schools that teach religion achieve the highest level of performance compared to those that discourage religious studies. The implication here is that religious studies significantly impact career advancement.

Religion also helps in acquiring essential life skills. Such skills are acquired after learning about religious personalities who demonstrated great faith, perseverance, and commitment. Students with such skills will also try to emulate such persons and hence grow to become responsible citizens.

It is also important to note that moral uprightness is acquired by instilling the fear of God in students lives. Such fear helps learners to acquire knowledge and wisdom. However, it is apparent that schools are the best placed to impart this understanding through religious studies.

Religious Studies Promote Religious Freedom

As Russo (2016) reveals, the freedom of religion is a guaranteed fundamental human right in most progressive constitutions. Therefore, religious studies give students a better understanding of their religions. It is important to note that religious studies teach the basic pillars of every belief.

For example, through religion, students learn essential aspects such as the believers creed and the five pillars of Islam. Therefore, teaching religion gives one the freedom of choice in relation to worship.

It is also important to note that the best democracies in the world have their countries founded on the belief in a Supreme Being or deity. From these establishments, it becomes crucial to instill morals among learners by teaching them religious studies in schools.

Furthermore, Duemmler and Nagel (2013) reveal how religion helps learners to understand the cultural diversity of the worlds populations since different regions practice diverse religious beliefs. Understanding the varied beliefs will promote peaceful co-existence while allowing for better diplomatic negotiations among nations.

It is important to note that religion has a lot of influence on how people live, do their businesses, and/or relate with one another. Therefore, this situation makes religious studies a crucial aspect of schools since it helps prepare students to work in any part of the world.

In other words, religion plays an important role in helping students understand the worlds history. It may also help a student explain the patterns of politics, trade, and law. Religion forms the foundation of these major areas, which eventually directly impact peoples way of life. Equipping students with religious knowledge helps them understand and appreciate the role of faith in shaping the world.

According to Kunzman (2012), the worsening levels of education can easily be attributed to strict regulations on religious studies in schools. This restriction has led to deteriorating standards of education, as well as moral decay in society.

Religious Studies help in Explaining the Mysteries of Life

Religion helps explain the complicated issues of life that are not addressed in other disciplines. Some mysteries include life after death, miraculous occurrences, eternal living, hell, and heaven. Science and other disciplines do not explain these things, yet they are essential religious items.

Therefore, addressing these aspects gives learners a broader view of the matters of life. Furthermore, in line with Vermeers (2012) views, religious studies help to enhance learners critical thinking. It expands the scope of students since it goes beyond issues that happen in the present world.

Religion also reveals future events in the form of prophecy, helping learners have an insight into events to come. Hence, it is crucial to include religious studies in the school curriculum to boost students level and scope of thinking.

Religion answers many learners curiosity questions. For this reason, elements from religious studies dominate discussions on social and mainstream media. Therefore, such studies cannot be wished away. Religion dramatically influences peoples cultural activities and beliefs, making it an important subject of study in schools.

According to Banton (2013), religious studies form part of the social structure of a society. Hence, omitting the study of religion in school means denying learners a crucial element they need in their life.

Reasons Why Religion Should Not Be Taught in Schools

It is crucial to note that religious education comes with some drawbacks when presented in a school setting. One disadvantage is that the subject excludes the interests of nonreligious groups. It also disregards cultural diversity and the personal beliefs of students.

According to Kurtzleben (2017), nonreligious groups such as atheists have interests and freedom that should be respected in schools. Religious studies are based on the belief in supernatural beings that are not recognized in atheism. Therefore, the teaching and practicing of religion in schools may make atheists and other nonreligious groups feel socially excluded and discriminated against.

Furthermore, religion may not consider every individuals cultural diversity and beliefs (Kurtzleben, 2017). Nonreligious groups that form a minority may also feel harassed and discriminated against by the teaching of religion in schools. Furthermore, the study of religion contradicts some teachings of science.

For instance, while science teaching in schools will make learners believe and uphold the evolution theory, religious studies teach the opposite to the same learners. Hence, opponents of teaching religion in schools assert that it confuses the learner.

For instance, according to Gaylor (2014), it is advisable to teach atheism in schools as well for all learners to be well-represented. The evolution theory believes people are transformed over time through several stages and advancements.


I support religious studies in schools since the learner has more to gain than lose from religious subjects. Religious studies help in molding and shaping the worlds culture. However, it is important to allow students to choose whether they want to study religion since it has a bearing on their careers, as previously highlighted.

In my opinion, religious studies should not be made compulsory but optional. In so doing, it will ensure that the interests of religious and nonreligious students are respected and that nobody will feel discriminated against.


From the discussions above, it comes out clearly that religious studies should form part of the school curriculum. However, it is essential to underscore that the studies should provide an understanding of various cultures in the world to facilitate the integration of communities.

The peaceful integration and co-existence of the worlds population guarantee proper political relations. The study of religion in schools should not be aimed and converting individuals. Instead, it should help people to appreciate diversity. Carrying out religious studies appropriately in schools may help to stop many religious wars and persecutions that the world is witnessing today.


Banton, M. (2013). Anthropological approaches to the study of religion. London, England: Routledge.

Cheadle, J. E., & Schwadel, P. (2012). The friendship dynamics of religion, or the religious dynamics of friendship? A social network analysis of adolescents who attend small schools. Social Science Research, 41(5), 1198-1212.

Cochran, C. E. (2014). Religion in public and private life. London, England: Routledge.

Duemmler, K & Nagel, A. (2013). Duemmler, Kerstin; Nagel, Alexander-Kenneth: Governing religious diversity: Top-down and bottom-up initiatives in Germany and Switzerland. Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Science, 47(2), 265-83

Ellithorpe, M., Cruz, C., Velez, J., Ewoldsen, D., & Bogert, A. (2015). Moral license in video games: When being right can mean doing wrong. CyberPsychology, Behavior & Social Networking, 18(4), 203-207.

Gaylor, A. (2014). The Dangers of Religious Instruction in Public Schools.

Jeynes, W. H. (2012). A meta-analysis on the effects and contributions of public, public charter, and religious schools on student outcomes. Peabody Journal of Education, 87(3), 305-335.

Kunzman, R. (2012). Grappling with the good: Talking about religion and morality in public schools. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

Kurtzleben, D. (2017). Nonreligious Americans Remain Far Underrepresented In Congress.

Russo, C. (2016). Religious freedom in faith-based educational institutions in the wake of Obergefell v. Hodges: Believers beware. Brigham Young University Education & Law Journal, 1(2), 263-308.

Vermeer, P. (2012). Meta-concepts, thinking skills and religious education. British Journal of Religious Education, 34(3), 333-347.

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