Role Played by Fashion Media in Shaping Public Opinion on Identity

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Fashion media has played an important role in shaping public opinion on identity. For instance, fashion magazines and websites often feature stories of people who do not conform to traditional gender roles and showcase them in a positive light. This has helped to raise awareness and acceptance of identities that were once considered taboo, such as transgender individuals, and has helped to normalize these identities in our society (Schulz et al. 2020, p.210). Additionally, fashion media has been instrumental in highlighting the beauty of diversity and celebrating all body types and sizes. The essay explores the themes of body image and celebrity fashion advertisement, which entail the main ways through which fashion influences gender identity.

Example One: How Fashion Media has Led to Notions of Identity

Fashion media plays a critical role in shaping public opinion on identity, as it can be used to construct and reinforce ideas about which identities are desirable and valuable. Two examples of how fashion media has impacted public opinion on identity (Schulz et al. 2020, p.215). The first example is the Kardashians and how they have used fashion media to shape public opinion on identity (Stankevi
ikt, 2021). Through the use of magazine covers, television shows, and social media, the Kardashians have created a public image of beauty, style, and wealth (Schouten et al. 2020, p.263). This has shifted public opinion on identity to prioritize these values, which has largely excluded people that do not fit this mold.

The Kardashians exemplify celebrity vogue advertisement and use fashion media to shape public opinion on body image and beauty standards. They have consistently been featured in magazines and on television wearing tight-fitting clothing and revealing dresses, as well as showing off their curves and toned bodies (Schouten et al. 2020, p.263). This has perpetuated unrealistic beauty standards, particularly for women, and has led to a body-shaming culture. This has been especially damaging to young women and girls who are often exposed to these images, which can lead to self-esteem and body image issues.

Additionally, the Kardashians have used fashion media to shape public opinion on wealth and luxury. They have been featured in magazines and television wearing designer and expensive jewelry (Schouten et al. 2020, p.263). This has perpetuated the idea that wealth and luxury are the most important values, widening the gap between the rich and the poor. Overall, the Kardashians have used fashion media to shape public opinion on identity, body image, beauty standards, wealth, and luxury (Cheng et al., 2021). This has harmed society, as it has excluded people that do not fit this mold and has perpetuated unrealistic beauty standards, body shaming, and wealth inequality.

Example Two: How Fashion Media has Led to Notions of Identity

The second example is plus-size fashion influencers, who have used fashion media to challenge the idea that only certain bodies and identities are valuable. Through Instagram accounts, YouTube videos, and blog posts, plus-size fashion influencers have created a positive and empowering image of bodies that have traditionally been excluded from the fashion industry (Turban and Ehrensaft, 2018). This has shifted public opinion on identity to be more inclusive and accepting of a wider range of body types.

Plus-size fashion influencers have used their platforms to promote the idea that beauty comes in all sizes and that all bodies should be celebrated and embraced. They have also used their platforms to raise awareness about the lack of plus-size clothing options in the fashion industry and to challenge the idea that plus-size bodies are not fashionable (Schouten et al. 2020, p.265). Through their powerful messages, plus-size fashion influencers have helped to create a more positive and diverse representation of body types in the fashion industry.

They have inspired body positivity, self-love, and acceptance, which has allowed more people to feel comfortable in their skin. As a result, plus-size fashion has become more accessible and inclusive, and plus-size individuals have more options for dressing up and expressing their style (Schouten et al. 2020, p.259). With the help of plus-size fashion influencers, more people can feel empowered and confident in their bodies, regardless of size.

The two examples illustrate how fashion media can be used to both construct and challenge public opinion on identity. The Kardashians have used fashion media to construct their public image by using it to showcase their lifestyles and taste in fashion (Korpaisarn and Safer, 2019). This has helped them to establish themselves as powerful influencer in the fashion industry, as well as in popular culture (Temchur, 2020). They have created a strong presence in the media by appearing on the covers of magazines.


Gender identity is a complex and personal concept deeply rooted in culture and society. It is a set of characteristics that define ones sense of self-based on ones biological sex (Romão et al., 2019). Many aspects of identity are shaped by gender, including the roles individuals take on in society, their clothing, and their activities (Fausto-Sterling 2019, p540). A persons gender identity is formed early in life and often established through biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors.

Gender expectations can shape a persons identity by creating certain roles and expectations based on gender. For example, traditional gender roles often dictate that women should be nurturing and caring while men should be strong and independent (Fausto-Sterling 2019, p540). As a result, individuals may strive to conform to these roles to fit in with their peers and society (Tulloch, 2020). Furthermore, gender can shape identity in terms of clothing and activities (Fausto-Sterling 2019, p540). For instance, women are often expected to dress more femininely than men, while men are expected to take part in more masculine activities such as sports.

The fashion media greatly influences how celebrities are represented and portrayed through gender identity. The media often creates a specific image of a celebrity based on their looks and clothes, aiming to create a certain gender identity for them (Fausto-Sterling 2019, p540). For example, celebrities such as Rihanna, Beyonce, and Kim Kardashian have often been portrayed as strong and independent women, which can be seen in the way they dress, (Schouten et al. 2020, p.265). On the other hand, male celebrities such as Justin Bieber and Zac Efron have been portrayed as strong, masculine, and confident figures, which can be seen in how they dress and are spoken about in the media.

How Identity is Shaped about Gender

Gender identity is a complex and personal concept that various factors, including gender expectations, cultural norms, and individual preferences, can shape. It is important to recognize that everyone is unique, and gender should not be used to limit a persons identity or potential (Rosen and Nofziger 2019, p.300). Gender identity is an ongoing process of discovery and exploration that can also be influenced by physical characteristics, such as sex assigned at birth, hormones, and chromosomes (Tulloch, 2020). It is important to recognize that gender identity is not binary and is not the same as sexual orientation.

Identity is shaped by gender in a variety of ways. Social expectations and norms often dictate how individuals of different genders should behave, look, and interact with others. Gender roles can be enforced through language, dress codes, and other social expectations (Rosen and Nofziger 2019, p.300). When individuals do not conform to these gender roles, they can experience discrimination or even violence. For example, individuals who identify outside of the gender binary, such as transgender or non-binary people, may experience higher levels of discrimination and prejudice due to their non-conformity. Gender shapes individual identity in a variety of ways, from the way we talk and dress to how we are treated and perceived by society.

In addition to social expectations, gender identity is also shaped by media and messaging from a young age. From television shows and movies to advertisements, gender roles can be reinforced through the media. These messages can profoundly impact how individuals view themselves and their place in society (Rosen and Nofziger 2019, p.300). They can also shape expectations of how others should act or look based on gender. The messages that individuals are exposed to can have a lasting impact on gender identity, which can be seen in how people view themselves and how they interact with others.


Ultimately, gender identity is shaped by several factors, including social expectations, media, and personal experiences. It is important to recognize the diversity of gender identities and the unique experiences of individuals in different gender roles. Gender identity is fluid and can change in response to different situations. It is also important to remember that gender identity is a deeply personal experience and should be respected and celebrated. This representation of gender identity can help shape how individuals view and understand gender roles and can be seen as a form of empowerment for men and women.

Reference List

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