Summer Program Application Essay

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Summer Institute Application

1) Why would you like to participate in this leadership and International cooperation program? How does conflict among people affect your world, your country, and your community?

I am particularly concerned about the conflict in the healthcare space in Nigeria which has an adverse effect on productivity, morale, and patient care resulting in high employee turnover impeding efficiency and certainly limiting staff contribution.

Conflict at my University teaching hospital is a product of those who feel they are working in a hostile environment. Here, conflicts take various forms ranging from a deeming attitude, ridicule, off-color, sexual harassment, and sometimes physical abuse (I am a victim of physical abuse by doctors).

Although typical Nigerian health workers have had hard training with a high intelligent quotient (IQ), they lack interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence.

In time past, they were seen as charismatic individuals who can barely do harm, but the story has changed as they now have temper outbursts- with the throwing of instruments and low profanity directed at any unfortunate person who happens to be nearby.

These dissatisfied health workers increase the cost of practice because damaged instruments have to be replaced and they increase stress in the workplace with attendant loss of efficiency.

In a typical Nigerian hospital, take for example the operating room (of which I have witnessed a lot) with a berating surgeon, morale, as well as team spirit, suffers and the team becomes dysfunctional. Once this is reached, negative habits begin to play out. Communication suffers, and information is withheld (including those vital for patient care) because of fear of possible outbursts.

Currently, many Nigerian health workers have lost staff support and have been isolated. In some cases, lawsuits have been initiated and the plaintiff gets support from health workers against another group of healthcare workers.

Worst is the annual strike actions by the various professional associations which have led to the death of millions of Nigerians, and loss of productivity and finance. It is a common notion these days that a strike by any set of health workers in Nigeria is a retaliation to the one embarked on by the other group.

Haven observed all these and worried about them, I want to attend the Hansen Summer Institute on Leadership and International Cooperation so I can develop my leadership skills, and communication skills and leverage the network of opportunities available at the training. I am hoping to learn conflict resolution models and alternative dispute resolution.

I look forward to improving my interpersonal skills because I believe that teamwork and inter-sectorial collaboration is basic to achieving sustainable development goals. I hope to broaden my knowledge about conflict resolution, and civic engagement and learn how to adapt my skills and strength to different situations.

I am interested in gaining more understanding about volunteering; acquire knowledge on community mobilization and participation.

I particularly want to improve my method of engaging members of the community and encouraging them to be more proactive in achieving their development.

I want to learn new ways of making a positive impact and how to train more leaders to fuel an unending cycle of positive change, community development, and developing a peaceful world.

2) Describe a situation in the past two years when you were in a leadership role. What aspect of this position was important to you? Why? What leadership skills would you bring to this program? How will participation enhance your career goal?

My most important skills were DIALOGUE and DIPLOMACY.

A situation arose at the Federation of Colleges Ex-students Christian Association (FECA) Benin 3 chapter where I served as General Secretary in 2016 when one of the leaders (the Prayer Secretary) was no longer efficient in his duties. He was missing important meetings such as the Leaders meetings and was no longer committed to duties. The leadership of the house decided to remove him from office and conclude that he was incompetent. As a Peace Advocate, trained at the 2014 Tolerance Academy Summer School on Peace Building organized by United Nations Alliance for Black Civilization and Culture (UNAOC), I called a meeting with all leaders and told them that it was not right to remove a leader from office when such has not been given the opportunity to explain the reason for his attitude. We ought to hear of his challenges first and proffer ways of helping out because as leaders we must carry everyone along and properly communicate our challenges. The Prayer Secretary explained that he was doing badly in his academics & which was the major reason behind his poor commitment to his office.

After that meeting, it was agreed that all leaders should re-examine their capabilities as regards the offices they occupy. They should all become friends with themselves such that they can relate their challenges with one another seek and provide support. Every leader was then equipped with a study grid to monitor their rate of study every day which was to be submitted to the Academic secretary on a weekly basis.

Thereafter we paired each leader with one another for accountability’s sake and those needing mentorship were assigned to a mentor.

At the end of the academic session, the Prayer Secretary had the best result in his department and he became committed once again.

Leadership is about serving people. It is people-centered. It is about seeking the good of people and seeking to be of help to people. It is serving a cause or a people with integrity, skill, commitment, passion, and with the right intentions. It is about serving and helping people to maximize their potential and arrive at better destinations. Leadership is not sitting at the and just giving commands, it is about being a servant of the people. A true leader gives himself in the service of others, of society, and of a cause. The calling of leadership is not a calling to self, it is a calling to serve. Serve with who you are, with what you have, and from where you are. Like John Quincy Adams said, If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader. Leadership is the ability to inspire and influence a group of people to achieve worthy goals. It is the ability to accept responsibility for change and development. This program is of particular importance to me in the sense that I have been actively involved in community service projects which have brought to the fore my inherent capacity and passion for development

I will bring on my diplomacy, dialogue, and Proactive and risk-taking leadership skills to the program.

I hope to inspire other participants with my model for risk-taking which has yielded positive results over the years and help them form a template for risk-taking in leadership.

I have always structured my leadership career with the phrase Whats the worst thing that can happen? That has made me attempt new ventures, succeed at most, and failed at others. For those ones I failed at, I became better because I learned new ways through which I could have attempted it.

Participation in this program will enhance my career goal because it will provide me an opportunity to get mentorship from the faculty at Hansen Summer Institute to guild me in my chosen field.

Understanding that Networking is key to the success of any individual, I hope to network with other participants and hear about their success and failure stories in leadership which I can learn from and apply to stir up more students in my medical school by organizing leadership seminars and workshops where they are taught global citizenship, emotional intelligence as well as interpersonal skills and some Hansen Summer Institute alumni can participate by giving talks and presentations via Webinar.

3) How do you anticipate applying your leadership skills in the future to resolve conflict in your world, nation, and community? What do you envision as your role in creating International Corporation to promote a peaceful world?

My role in resolving conflict in the Nigerian healthcare space in the future is Developing a high-performing team through structured leadership training models

Understanding that Nigerian health workers lack interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence which has resulted in conflict, I will be working with other leading firms and conflict resolution experts to institute a course on Emotional intelligence in a bit to improve their leadership potential.

We will carry out

  • Training on Your first year as a health worker: Making a transition from a novice to a successful professional
  • Provision of training around the skills involved in dialogue, dispute resolution, and alternative dispute resolution with an emphasis on inquiry.
  • Set up regulations and evaluation of working conditions in the health field with a view to creating a space that will be perceived as inviting, hospitable and intimate. The goal will be to make everyone feel a high degree of psychological safety.
  • Incorporation of organizational strategy, long-term planning, and creative problem-solving in the healthcare field.
  • Strengthening of the existing professional code of conduct through advocacy.
  • Establish a fellowship for the leadership institute to train healthcare workers on modern-day leadership.
  • Disruption of the perceived cultural norm, uncoupling health agencies from existing ways of solving conflict and problems and incorporating new ways

In general, the goal of this leadership institute will be to build the leadership skills, and interpersonal and emotional intelligence of Nigerian health workers in a bit to reduce conflict, ensure high productivity, and creation of an effective healthcare system that will be a model for other sub-Saharan African countries to copy.

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