The Effects Of Malnutrition On Human Body

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This paper offers knowledge into the key concepts behind not only nutrition, but key points regarding malnutrition as well. It speaks on how important it is to understand that an individual must take care of their body the correct way to avoid any unforeseen illnesses, and stresses the importance of understanding how vital it is to understand what role the foods you eat play in your health. In addition, it speaks on macronutrient which refer to the three main sources of nutrients that do can meet your nutritional needs without help from others. It speaks on minerals which are simply inorganic substance that our bodies require to allow certain activities. This paper reflects on the different groups of people that may be liable to suffer from a form of malnutrition, and also gives a number of different resources that we can use to help identify people that may suffer from malnutrition as well. With that being said it also includes informative research about some of the main causes of malnutrition, and what could be done to possibly prevent it in some cases while also including the steps that can be taken to help ensure they know the cause before giving the patient a random solution. One of the last things that this paper does is give solutions to how to fix malnutrition as each solution is customized for that specific person to avoid any further harm. The final thing that this paper touches on is taking supplements as ones nutrients through another form instead of eating certain things that may be hard for one to swallow especially if the person has a swallowing disorder of some kind to which it would be easier to swallow a small pill rather than a large item.


In todays society, it is common that when people are wanting to lose weight the vast majority of them start to go to the gym more, eat less, and some people even go so far as to not eat at all. However, what many fail to realize is that the lack of a proper diet that includes the proper nutrients will result in malnutrition. Malnutrition is when you do not have enough to eat, not eating enough of the right things, or your body is not taking any nutrients from the food that one is consuming. One of the main concepts that we have to learn as people malnutrition is a serious problem that we face especially in todays generation where it has become normal to want to look like the individuals that we see on television, yet neglect to understand that how they reached that figure getting as well as maintaining their bodies more than likely was not naturally.

Many people fail to understand that by not getting the right nutrients their body will struggle with accomplishing their usual daily tasks. A nutrient is a substance that is used by our bodies to promote growth, maintenance, and repair. There are six main categories of nutrients which split into three major nutrients, and two minor nutrients. The major nutrients are carbohydrates which are your sugars, and starches. Lipids which are also known as neutral fats which are your meats, and dairy products. With the last major nutrient being protein which are your eggs, milk, and fish. The minor nutrients are vitamins which are organic substances and minerals which are inorganic substances. Each nutrient plays a different role than all of the others. Although, they may all play a different role all nutrients come together to assure that our bodies are functioning correctly.

The first macronutrient is carbohydrates which has a make-up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. As mentioned before carbohydrates are sugars, starches, and fibers. Carbohydrates are the bodies main source of energy, and are known to be a quick energy source. The total carb intake should be between 45 and 65 percent of ones total calorie intake. We typically receive the sugars from fruits, sugar cane, and milk. However, we receive the starches from grains, legumes, and some root vegetables. Carbohydrates not only provide energy for the muscles it also provides fuel for the central nervous system as well. There are two types of carbohydrates which are simple carbohydrates, and complex carbohydrates which differ in their structure. Simple carbohydrates contain one to two sugars, and are mainly found in things such as candies. While complex carbohydrates contain three or more sugars, and can be found in foods such as potatoes and cereals. There are bad carbohydrates such as pastries, rice, as well as sodas which typically contain little to no nutritional value. Bad carbohydrates tend to be high in sodium, low in fiber, high in calories, and low in nutrients. However, there are good carbohydrates as well such as fruits, and vegetables. These carbohydrates tend to be high in nutrients, low in sodium, low in calories, and low in saturated fats. Carbohydrates have a variety of benefits such as theyre beneficial to your mental health, and can be vital in the weight loss process. However, like all things too much could be harmful.

The second macronutrient is lipids which by definition is a compound formed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Waxes, phospholipids, fats, and steroids are all considered lipids. A fat which is also referred to as a triglyceride is a molecule that contains two main parts a glycerol backbone, and three fatty acid tails. Fats contains double the amount of energy a carbohydrate contains, and is the most common form of a lipid. Fats come in the form of both saturated fats,and unsaturated fats. We obtain saturated fats through meat, dairy products, and some plants. Saturated fats have a single bond between carbons within the hydrocarbon chain. We obtain unsaturated fats through seeds, nuts, and some vegetable oils. Unlike saturated fats unsaturated fats have a double bond, and contain fewer hydrogens than saturated fats. Fats play a vital role in helping the body function properly, and are essential to the body as well. Fats serve the body as they provide a place of storage for energy for long periods of time, and provide insulation for the body as well. Like carbohydrates too many bad fats could cause a substantial increase in weight, and an increase in cholesterol. However, unlike fats that only contain two main components to function phospholipids contain four major components to function which are fatty acids, a glycerol component, a polar molecule, and a phosphate group. To which the polar molecule as well as the phosphate group would be hydrophilic, and the fatty acid tail would be hydrophobic.

Steroids are the most unique in structure when referring to lipids due to the fact that a steroid contains a carbon backbone with four connected rings. Sex hormones and cholesterol are both forms of steroids. Waxes like steroids are also very unique in structure as they are made up of a long chain of alcohol, and fatty acids with its main function being to help prevent water loss. The third macronutrient which is proteins which accounts for 50 percent of the organic matter in the body, and are complex nitrogenous substances: that are the main building material for cells. Protein helps to build, and repair tissues within the body. Protein is usually found in foods such as eggs, milk, meats which are complete proteins, and oats. However, foods such as beans that do not produce a high amount of protein are known to be nutritionally incomplete due to a low amount of essential amino acids. With essential amino acids being amino acids that the body cannot make that have to be obtained through our diet. Those eight amino acids are tryptophan, methionine, valine, threonine, phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucine, and lysine. All of which can be obtained through the daily diet of a person whom is not a vegetarian. Vegetarians have to take precautionary measures to make sure that they do not suffer from malnutrition due to lack of protein within their diet. The inclusion of protein within ones diet comes with a variety of benefits. Some of those benefits being that protein makes up the majority of our hair and nails, and is the most important building block for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, as well as the blood. There are two main types of proteins which are fibrous, globular which are based on the shape of the protein. Fibrous proteins are proteins that are strand like, and appear often in the bodys structure. These proteins are vital in that they provide strength in specific body tissues.

However, unlike fibrous proteins globular proteins are spherical with a tertiary structure that is typically compact. Some globular proteins help provide immunity, and others help regulate growth and development. With the inclusion of enzymes that are responsible for regulation of chemical reactions in the body.

Signs and Symptoms

When one is faced with suffering from malnutrition they develop a series of signs that indicate that they are not receiving the amount of nutrients that they require in order to maintain proper function of their body. Malnutrition could cause reduced immune function that makes it harderfor an individual to fight an infection as well as it increases their susceptibility as well. In addition, malnutrition may cause a loss of strength affecting ones ability to function normally.

With that being said it also affects the wound healing process, because of the low amount of nutrients circulating. One of the most widely known affects that malnutrition has is on the function of the brain. It affects the brains ability to the point where we do not begin to think clearly, and begin to make irrational decision which could result in a state of depression. Those whom have a difficult time swallowing disorders are at risk of suffering from malnutrition.

People with low income are likely to have malnutrition due to the fact that they have enough income to supply themselves with enough food to meet their nutritional needs that they require to function correctly. People whom are single are also at risk of suffering from malnutrition as they are less likely to not cook, and typically skip meals or rely on snacks (Taylor, C.). Individuals that suffer from illnesses are among the highest groups likely to suffer from malnutrition as they suffer from a loss of appetite, have malabsorption of nutrients, suffer from nausea, and diarrhea.

Which includes individuals that have health issues as well as they struggle with eating due to the fact that they suffer from a loss on interest in food, and have no set eating pattern. There are afew questions that one may ask to help identify is an individual may be suffering from malnutrition. With the first question being when is the last time they have eaten this will help determine their eating pattern if one exist. The next most common question that would follow would be do they rely more on snacks than meals (Taylor, C.). This would help one indicate if they are getting the necessary nutrients they need in order to function correctly with certain tasks that may be presented to them, and could mean that they are only getting a certain amount if nutrients. The last question that could be asked is are the meals that the individual eating mostly soft foods which could indicate that there is a swallowing problem at hand.

Diagnosis and Treatment Options

There are a variety of solutions to helping someone that suffers from malnutrition. However, before one determines what is necessary to fix the problem it is important that one finds the root of the problem at hand. After the root of the problem has been identified it is vital that one try, and figure out a solution that is specifically for the person that they are trying to help (Taylor, C.). At this point in time one would have to determine needs a therapist of some sort to help them get over any personal issues, if the person needs to be on a medication that would not cause any side effects that would affect their appetite, or if the person needs to taken out of the home that they are current living in due forced starvation. The main solution however would be simply to increase the nutritional intake, and to rely more on meals if possible rather than snacks. One should make sure that they are meeting their required nutritional intake if they are wanting to snack they need to make sure that their snacks are high in nutrients which are snacks such as cheese, yogurt, and meats. Fortifying food is also another solution which is a technique that allows for every bite to count towards one nutritional intake. Eating soft foods would be the best solution for those that suffer with having a swallowing problem as it allows for a softer texture, and allow for a smoother swallowing process. If the patient is still not able to gain the correct amount of nutrition from their daily meals one might advise them to begin to take supplements.

These supplements will replace the nutrients that one might get from food, and instead gain it through a pill or some other oral injection.


In conclusion, the article that I read discussed that there are a variety of key components that play a part in making sure that one is receiving the necessary nutrients to maintain homeostasis and avoid malnutrition. The first step we would take to help avoid any form of malnutrition would be to make sure that an individual that we are attending to is actually suffering from malnutrition, and not suffering from another disorder we do this by asking them number of choices regarding their meal intake within the last 48 to 24 hours. under that there are certain nutrients that their body needs to be able to function at its normal level. The third step we would take would be to figure out what group of individuals are the most likely to suffer from malnutrition, and help them take the steps that they need to ensure that they will live a health life.

The fourth step that we would have taken in the avoiding malnutrition process would be to figure out the source of the problem at hand, and we do this by determining the best solution to help that certain individual take the necessary steps to reach their nutritional goals. The fourth step that we would take in the avoiding malnutrition process would be to figure out the needs of the person that were helping whether that be getting them to see a therapist of some kind, a doctor of some sort, or even simply if they need someone to talk to for clarity as well as guidance. The fifth step which is the final as well as the most important step in the malnutrition process would be the solution. This is the most important due to the fact that the solution is different for everyone, and no one approaches the problem the same as the other which makes this point in the process the most vital.


  1. Taylor, C. (2018). Malnutrition: causes, consequences and solutions. Journal of Community Nursing, 32(6), 5256. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-

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