The Meaning Of Tattoos In The Modern World

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There are people who believe that tattoo dates back to the days of creation in the bible. They are of the belief that the first tattoo to ever exist was drawn by God on Cains body when he marked him saying the mark upon Cain. Others are of the opinion that it originated from the land of Egypt when some early man fell into hearth and charcoal got logged onto his skin. This history is also recorded differently in some texts which believes that the Nubians were the people who introduced tattoo as in Egypt in the 2000 B.C. All through tattoo history, it has been shown to serve different person for every group of people. For instance, in the colonial era, the slave had different kinds of tattoos as their masters so as to be to easily identify the ruler from the slave at a glance. They were also widely used in prisons even up to date they are still being used. Currently, tattoos ae seen to be more of a form of personal expression.

Skin art is emerging as one of the latest trends currently. Someone somewhere always has a tattoo or is getting a tattoo no matter where one looks, a mom, student, or even an executive. These products of self-concept, inner yearnings, desires, spiritual and also magical beliefs that is usually permanently or temporarily formed on the skin of the human body through the insertion of a pigment into the epidermal skin layer with a needle is craft that has been done for a while now. In the last two decades the perception of tattoos and the tattoo industry is seen to have undergone several and very significant changes. Initially tattoo was associated with the non-mainstream group and seen as trashy and very unprofessional. In fact, in some working environment, the moment they realized you have a tattoo during a job interview, that was a disqualifying factor. The fact that tattoos were also viewed as a form of rebellion in the past and people who had it were seen as those members of the society who do not want to follow the norm. the most common people who were seen to have tattoos were sailors, bikers, prisoners and rock artistes. Times haves however changed though and the tattoo industry is seen to have expanded so much so that it is among the consumers culture seen as the form of popular culture and fashion all over the world. The past biases that existed is slowly being eradicated most of the prejudices that ones existed is slowly being phased out.

People get tattoos on their bodies for many different reasons best known to them. Some people use tattoos to mark their body of a remainder of something that occurred in their lives that is dear to their hearts or that caused some sort of impact to their lives. People will therefore get a tattoo to commigrate the birth of a child or to remember the death of someone they dearly loved. It is common to see parents who wants to remember the birth of their child use the childs hand or foot outline, the birth date or even the name of their child tattooed on a specific part of their body. When an individual decides to use in memory of a beloved death, then they may decide to engrave their name, the date of birth and the date that the death occurred, they can use their picture or even bible verses. Having had this tattoo is a way of expressing ones feeling towards them. It is also true that people can use tattoos to express how they feel about their lovers and partners. Many people in love nowadays are seen to get skin art as a profession of their love to whomever they are dating.

Members f a certain crew or gang mostly tend to use tattoos as a form of showing they are affiliated to that particular group. The use of a certain specific type of tattoo for each gang is seen to be a common practice since it is a way of establishing ones identity. When a new member has been newly recruited into the group, then this member would be required to perform an initiation ritual like killing of s member of the rival gang and if done successfully a tattoo is engraved on their body. Most of these people have so many tattoos on their bodies. The many one has the best it is for them since they get to be more revered and respected because of thee deeds that thy have done in order to get themselves so many tattoos as a sign of bravery and courage to have and more so loyalty to the gang. Bikers tend to have tattoos as a representation of their affiliation to the group and a sense of identity.

Many cultures have been using to use body art as a representation of who they are as a people. Some cultures stopped indulging in the form because it was seen as a form of defiance to the authority like in Japan in the 70s. The government outlawed tattoo drawing in 1870 because the people used it as a form of rebellion towards the existing government at that particular time. Something that was ones seen as an act of splendor had changed to be a form of rebellion. Japanese culture has however changed throughout the years and it has seen the community of Ikuza people embracing tattoos as a form of their subculture. This community designed its tattoos in such a way that the tattoo showed a representation of the individuals character trait. People who had lion tattoos were known for their courage thought the community and those who had a carp had shown great strength and a high perseverance threshold. The performance of this whole process took quite sometime and great physical pain, Ikuza people showed great perseverance to this culture since they were able to sit through the painful process as a way showing ones allegiance amongst Ikuza community in Japan.

Some of the leading industries as well as tattoo artists, use people to be there living brands through them getting a tattoo. These individuals are usually paid so that the company can have their brand tattooed on their body. This method was widely used by companies some few years ago. However with the emergence of social media, companies just do their advertising on these social media platform as their main source of advertising and not though body art as it used to be previously, for a new tattoo artists, they may decide to offer their services to people so that these people can increase their clientele outreach, enabling them to get more business that will increase more profits and enhance their business in the long run.

Some people engage on the drawing the tattoos without even, giving any thought about it. there are so many American who walked into a tattoo parlor and came out with a tattoo without even realizing that they really wanted to draw a tattoo on their bodies. People have different reasons to when they get tattoos on their bodies however, some people do not have any reason whatsoever on why they have that particular tattoo on them. Most of thee time thee answer is always that I saw the sample on the wall and I liked it so, I decided why not have it after all its my body. Therefore, it is not uncommon to have people with body art and cannot explain some sentimental feeling behind the tattoo.

Most teenagers and young adults have been seen to rapidly indulge in the world of body art. There has been a surge in the number of youths getting tattoos on their bodies. This may bee due to the liberal nature of the society and also the fact that people have now embraced thee tattoo culture without seeing it as an activity that depicts moral decadence. Some people still have the notion that tattoos are trash, but this percentage has massively gone down. In this century, young adults tend to be more out spoken and more expressive. This is the reason why most of them have got so tattoos on their bodies. At least one in every five people have one or two tattoos drawn on their bodies. The type of tattoos chosen is just a representation of the individuals style and what they feel about themselves. This generation uses tattoos as a form of silent expression of who they really are to the world without any fear of being judged or being looked down upon. This has seen the industry of tattoo models coming up and also most celebrities have been seen to have got tattoos on their bodies as a representation of their brand and who they are as a person. For one to be able to be courageous enough to go get a tattoo especially in a family set up where they are against it, an individual need to have so much courage to be able to live with the consequences knowing that this is a permanent body art.

Currently in America Tattoos are seen as a form of social symbol. Most of the time, a society will change, but the tattoo one has got is seen to retain its exotic value most of time and the memories it may be holding may be enormous and so sentimental to an individual and it forever remains a part of them. People will use tattoos as way of speaking silently without having to utter a single word. The se tattoos turn out to be so meaningful in an individuals life because of what they may represent. They are also addictive in nature and thats why we see some people having most of their body parts covered in ink since ones you get a taste of it one ends up liking it and even the pain threshold keeps on increasing with every new tattoo added on ones body. This makes the first tattoo an individual ever hard to be the most unforgettable of them all, since its always difficult to forget ones first time experience.

There will always be a reason and meaning behind everything that is visible seen by the eye. It would therefore be so bad if at this time and age people are still being judged negatively because they chose to get their bodies tattooed. Human nature is prone to judge but it would also be in good behavior if people gave others the chance to prove themselves in terms of who they are instead of letting their own prejudice make the conclusion for them. Getting a tattoo is often mitigated by several different factors be it social media influence, celebrity influence, personal experiences, hiding scars, keeping memories, spiritual empowerment or to just showcase ones body. This therefore makes it so unrealistic if one decides to be the judge of a persons character solely based on the first sight of their tattoo.

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