Understanding Diversity and Respect in American Culture

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In the beginning, the speaker describes the difficulties she experienced the first time she publicly decided to wear a hijab in line with the Muslim religious faith practices. Several feminists confronted her for failing to embrace the opportunity to display her feminine beauty. These feminists felt that the speaker should not be ashamed of her femininity (Mogahed, 2016). However, the speaker thinks that wearing the hijab is her inherent choice and right in expressing her religion without limitations.

Second, the presentation addresses the issue of Islamophobia faced after the bombing of the Twin Towers on the 11th of September 2001. The terrorism act was done by extremist Muslim group members from the Al Qaeda terror entity (Mogahed, 2016). Members of the Islam religion received attacks from individuals who felt that all Muslims should be treated as terrorists. Numerous media houses in America wrote articles portraying the faithful of this religion as terrorists. She was fearful of expressing her belief publicly (Mogahed, 2016). On the contrary, the speaker was equally shocked by the terror acts as all the other patriotic American citizens. An objective assessment of the stressors that these individuals experience is vital for reducing youths recruitment into terror groups. The youth need to be encouraged to attend mosques to be taught the just ways of addressing injustices (Mogahed, 2016). Furthermore, society needs to monitor internet sources as studies have shown that extremist teachings can be found online.


Two Diversity Issues

The video I watched addressed several pertinent issues faced by Muslims in the United States of America. First, the speaker presents the discrimination that Muslims encounter in expressing the freedom of religion. For effective interactions in the current society, individual decisions should be respected. Second, the presentation addresses the issue of Islamophobia faced after the bombing of the Twin Towers on the 11th of September 2001. Therefore, current generations should avoid generalizing criminal acts to discriminate against a whole community.

Four Diversity Issues in the Presentation

First, the issue of dressing code is covered in the presentation. The speaker narrates of time when she was confronted by several feminists for failing to embrace the opportunity to display her feminine beauty. This is a pertinent issue in the current generations as individuals choices in dressing needs to be respected for the maximal expression of their religious beliefs.

Second, the presentation addresses the issue of Islamophobia faced after the bombing of the Twin Towers on the 11th of September 2001 by the Al Qaeda jihadist group. Therefore, current generations should avoid generalizing criminal acts to discriminate against a whole community.

Third, another aspect of diversity in American society addressed in the presentation is managing individuals who want to join extremist terror groups. In todays world, the youth need to be encouraged to attend mosques (Mogahed, 2016). They require to be taught the just ways of addressing injustices. Furthermore, society needs to monitor internet sources as studies have shown that extremist teachings can be found online.

Fourth, the issue of biases in media reporting is explained by the speaker. Numerous media houses in America wrote articles portraying Muslims as terrorists. She was fearful of expressing her belief publicly. Therefore, there is a need for media changes in todays societies to improve their reporting to avoid portraying the Islamic religion as a sympathizer of terrorism.

Three Items Learned from the Presentation

Various lessons can be learned from the presentation on the plight of Muslims in America. First, I learned to respect peoples choices in different spheres of life, including religion. There is no right or wrong religious practice, and it is imperative to avoid discriminating against other people due to their divergent spiritual practices. Secondly, it is crucial to prevent overgeneralizations in case of terror activity. Terrorism is an individual act and not linked to religion (Samari, 2016). Third, I learned the value of teamwork in addressing societal issues. Effective collaborations between individuals enhance unity and the resolution of terrorism. Terrorists are people who use the religious doctrine to enhance their agendas of causing mayhem wrongly.

Critical Thinking Skills of the Presenter in Human Relations

Furthermore, the speaker in the presentation is skilled in utilizing critical thinking skills to address human relations. She respects other peoples choices for practicing other religions, choosing different sexual orientations, and supporting feminism. The speaker suggests that the listeners avoid judging a whole society based on a few persons actions. She also uses courteous and respectful language to present her displeasure about the discrimination against Muslims. Therefore, practical critical thinking skills are required to promote the respect of other peoples divergent views or practices.

Questions to the Presenter

The understanding of the topic can be significantly improved if certain questions are answered. First, I would like to know why the terrorist would want to cause the deaths of innocent lives. Their point of view is instrumental in promoting the resolution of the acts of terrorism against America. Second, it is important to know the governments steps to address religious discrimination in America. Third, I would like to know the strategies that religious leaders are taking to address youth radicalization. Terrorism breeds fear in the citizens, who then tend to prefer the authoritarian system of addressing societal problems.

Importance of Understanding Diversity to Awareness and Fostering Respect

Understanding diversity enables persons to practice empathy when interacting with others. Empathy involves putting oneself into other peoples points of view to get a clear comprehension of their religious practices. It also promotes cohesion between individuals as the differences in culture and religion provide an opportunity for individuals to celebrate their similarities and respect differences for cohesion (Samari, 2016). Understanding diversity enhances communication between communities which is necessary in fighting discrimination. Finally, diversity ensures teamwork in managing societal problems. The speaker explains that she was amazed by the unity displayed by Christians by showing solidarity to the Muslims protesting the death of their faithful.

Effects of Awareness on Human Relations Today

Awareness helps to promote unity and collaborations in society. A better understanding of the source of problems such as terrorism is effective in its resolution.


Mogahed, D. (2016). What its like to be Muslim in America [Video]. TED Conferences. Web.

Samari, G. (2016). Islamophobia and public health in the United States. American Journal of Public Health, 106(11), 1920-1925. Web.

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